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Developers again, for tmax100, maco 820 and techpan

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I am sure this has been covered a million times, and I did search

back through the archives, but i am getting dizzy reading all these

answers and opinions.


I am getting back into B+W film processing via a Jobo CPP2, mostly

4x5. I like Tmax 100 and Maco 820 IR film and have shot both in the

past in 120 and had them developed by a lab. I was not that

impressed with either because of the grain and figure the labs

probably used a fast developer. Also I have never shot Tech pan and

am itching to try that out especially since I can control the dev



So far i have read several recomendations for Tmax, like microdol,

tmax developer, rodinal, D76 etc, and actually the same for the maco



Tech pan seems to be down to microdol, rodinal, technidol, or the

Photographers' Formulary developer.


I did a lot of developing about 25 years ago, but I cant remember

much about the chems, except I think I was using D-76.


So i guess my question is I would like to start off with one or

maybe 2 developers and dont want to go too crazy for now. Actually I

would prefer one developer, but i am sure one of these films would

suffer somewhat. As it stands I am thinking Rodinal or Microtal

would be the best all around developer that i could get decent

results with, but I am probably asking too much.


What i want is good contrast, good shadow detail, sharp and very

little grain. I guess thats what everybody wants.


What do you guys think ??

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If you haven't yet used Tech Pan, it's probably pointless to start experimenting with it, since it has been discontinued. I bought 100 feet of it because of this. It is very nice in Technidol when processed properly. Personally, I've just started trying Ilford PanF+ as a possible replacement. In general these days, I'm fond of Tri-X. I've rated it anywhere from 400-3200 and processed in Tmax, Rodinal, and HC110. I'm still experimenting, especially with major pushes. In 100 ISO, I'm fond of Delta100 in DD-X or Ilfotech HC. If I could only use one film right now, it would probably be Tri-X for versatility and likelihood that it will be around for a while.
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I'm a Rodinal user of some twenty years and swear by it. I use it with Delta 100 almost exclusively but it also gives excellent results with TMax 100. Try rating tMX at 50 ASA and devving in Rodinal, 1:50, 20 C, 8 minutes. That's for a diffuser head enlarger.
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Mix up the D76 and store in one time use small bottles. T Max 100 was made for this developer and will make stunning grain free prints. 6.5 min at 68 for a condenser enlarger. Do not dilute to 1:1.


Rodinal will give slightly more sharpness at the expense of fine grain.


Hc110 doesn`t give the nice tones D76 does, but does work.

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Dear Troy,


I develop TMX 4x5 sheets in JOBO 2500 series drums with Xtol 1:1. Good results with T-Max developer as well. Worth trying if you like liquid developer. Not my favorite developer for 35mm (you may love it). Never tried Tech Pan in sheets, but have developed 35mm in a Jobo 2513 using C-41 developer(start with 8 minutes in the Jobo).

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