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Fuji F30 versus DMC-FX01 with Noise Ninja

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Fuji F30 versus DMC-FX01 with Noise Ninja


I'm in the market for a new compact camera after my S400 died. The

old S400 was pretty nice up to ISO100 and unusable at 400. Considering

about half the pictures I took with the S400 were indoors in poor

light this was a severe limitation.

With this in mind I had settled on a Fuji F10 or F30 as my next

camera but other than the high ISO performance I don't find the Fujis

very appealing.

The camera I do like is the Panasonic DMC-FX01.

I just "discovered" noise ninja and I am not opposed to post

processing the few print worthy pictures I take.

How will ISO 400 pictures run though noise ninja compare to ISO

400-800 pictures straight out of the Fuji? Are FX01 ISO pictures

printable up to 8x10 once run through noise ninja?




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I downloaded the F10 versus Panasonic FX9 (which seems to use the same sensor as the fx01) comparison pics from dpreview. The Panasonic pictures clean up very nicely to my eye. The Fuji does capture a little more detail, but at least in bright light the Panasonic picture look very good with a little help from noise ninja.


I've read however that the Panasonic gets much noisier in low light at ISO 400. Can anyone confirm this?


Assuming the FX01 noise does get much worse in low light it's the winner.

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Panasonic has a reputation of building great little cameras that are highly innovative, but with lots of digital noise. Noise Ninja will help, but there is only so much it can do without softening your pics too much. However, Panasonic adds OIS (real optical image stabilization) that generally means that you can hand hold the camera at very low shutter speeds. It won't stop subject movement, but it will stop camera shake, and allows you to use a far lower ISO in most situations.
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<<I just "discovered" noise ninja and I am not opposed to post processing the few print worthy pictures I take>>


Have you tried processing any of your S400 images taken at ISO 400?


<<Are FX01 ISO pictures printable up to 8x10 once run through noise ninja?>>


This is highly subjective and a personal decision. I'd recommend at least printing test images from review sites.

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Chris, I just bought a Fuji F11 on OBoy, which I read rave reviews about, although it is not imported into the US. (It is the "larger LCD" and " Aperture/shutter priority options" version of the Fuji F10)

Maybe you should look into this. (Or the Fuji F10) Mind you, I still haven't actually held or touched one, and - with any luck- this OBoy transaction will not be one of the "Scams" that are so frequent now.

More when I get it next week !



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Thanks for the input everyone. After playing around with the ISO400 samples from dpreview in Noise Ninja, I've decided to go with the Panasonic. I love the lens on the FX01 and really didn't like the idea of adding another memory card type (xD) to my collection. The fact that the Panasonic is cheaper than F30 didn't hurt either.
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