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Judged by my peers. That is they way it should be.

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Really ratings are basically a way to sort the gallery by popularity of photos. I understand that you want to understand why 3 or why 7... me too. But ratings do not help there really and in my case never helped. Critiques help, or forums help.
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Sorry Timothy!


Its been a bad week, and I just let things get under my skin a little!


John, you go right ahead and keep acting childish, looking through this, this morning, got me to laughing, and I hadnt had a good laugh all week!


Mike, I understand your possition now, until this morning, I hadnt visited your portfolio, I see now who you are, and in your possition in life, I can see why things like ratings would be trivial to you!


Timothy, I'll wager that one day, in the not so distant future, you will see the names back next to the ratings, like it should be, I, like you have found many others portfolio's after recieving a rate from them, and followed their progress, as well as struck up friendships!


But for now, we will just have to wait and see what Brian has in store, and how things progress!



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A ranking for subscribers ratings of subscribers!


You have my vote, it would be interesting to see the results!


Would there also be a way to choose to have your photo rated by subscribers only, like we have now for critique only?


This would be something I think, that could draw some of the old timers back into the fold!



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