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Best sharpening plugin for Internet and 8x12 prints?

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As a follow-up to a previous question:


What is the best easy-to-use sharpening plugin if i want to sharpen my

scanned slides for either internet use (like gallery photos here on

photo.net) or for sending the files off to a digital labs for 8x12

inch prints?


I have read about some plugins already, but i couldn't determine

what's the best program for most people.


Thank you!

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Before you buy any software, first just try PS. I have found that scanned 35mm is pretty sharp already. Even with my Minolta Scan Dual III and scanning Tri-X only the lightest sharpening is needed if at all. 8x12 does not require re-sizing either with a good scanner. I would size the image for printing and try unsharp mask at 300-500,0.2, just to "tighten up" the grain. That's all I've needed to do. Anything more than that is overkill. For really grainy images you might try Neat Image or Noise Ninja. These work great on scanned images. When applied lightly you can decrease grain and retain sharpness.
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