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How do you use this thing?!

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I recently acquired a Contaflex Beta, but my experience with rangefinders is SO

limited that I'm already confused looking at it. I can't seem to find a manual

online and there are so many dials and numbers that seem to contradict each

other, I fear my head might blow off my neck and go whizzing around the room

like a punctured ballon. Can anybody help?

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The Contaflex Beta is really pretty simple in use. Ignore the dials and stuff at the top, they deal with the light meter which is probably not accurate anyway. Aperture and shutter speed dials are around the lens.... if you don't have a meter or a starting point, begin by setting the shutter speed to match (as close as possible) your film's ISO rating and set the aperture to f/16, and set out on a sunny day.


To focus, first wind the film so that you can see something in the viewfinder; then just turn the front lens ring until the split image thingie in the center is lined up on your subject. The Contaflex screens do not have a groundglass in the outer area so you have to use the center spot to focus.


When you release the shutter, the viewfinder will go black. This is normal, it will come back when you wind the film for the next shot.

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