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D100 DOF preview button gives "ERR" message


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My three-year-old D100 body is still serving me well overall, but I

noticed a weirdness today. I was trying to get optimal DOF in a photo,

so I pressed the DOF button. The aperture closed, but it didn't open

again when I released the button, and I then got a flashing "ERR"

message both in the viewfinder an in the top LCD panel. The problem

can be resolved by pressing the shutter button down, triggering what

sounds like an exposure but is not.


This is one of those annoying-but-not-fatal problems that I can live

with, but it's puzzling to me. Has anyone else experienced this? Is

it an easy repair? Or is this God's way of advising me to think harder

about getting a new D200 to replace this aging DSLR?

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I have experienced the dreaded ERR message before with my D100, as well. Mine almost always appeared when I had just changed lenses... I think I have figured out the cause (more operator error than anything else, when I first switched from pre-AI lenses on a 1976 camera to AF), but I have never experienced it when pressing the DOF button...only the shutter release. Admittedly, I only use the DOF button when taking close-ups, and I never experienced it with my 105mm micro lens.


Cheers, Dee

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With my D100 there's no problem with the battery, etc. I suspect there is just something wrong with whatever it is that triggers the DOF preview. It's one of those things where it feels a bit icky to know that there's this ongoing problem, but it's not an important enough flaw to make it worthwhile to invest in what surely will be an uncomfortably expensive repair. I really don't use the DOF preview all that often, and when I do it's not that much trouble to trip the shutter button to disengage it, instead of just releasing the DOF preview button.


I'll probably wait until there is some other reason to send the camera in to Nikon for repair, and then make the transaction a "twofer."

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This sounds like the problem I have with my F100, which I bought in early 2000. Around 2002/2003, the depth of field preview button stopped working. If you press on that, you get Err on the top LCD display and you have to press on the shutter release button to get it out of that mode, while no frame is actually exposed. Excpet for no DOF preivew, my F100 continues to work fine otherwise.


Since the F100 was my backup camera to the F5 and I knew that I would soon shoot mainly digital, I never bothered to get it fixed.


Douglas, clearly, someone up there is giving you a message: time to get a D200.

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Actually, what I'm getting with my D100 is exactly the same phenomenon Shun is describing. *Exactly*.


Did you ever figure out what might be required to get it fixed? Like you, I can't bring myself to think it's significant enough to spend much money on, and as we all know, there is virtually no such thing as a "cheap" DSLR repair.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a D200 and i have the same err message problem and also need to release the shutter to get rid of it.


The first time i got this err message was when i hooked a 70-200 2.8 VR lens for shot outdoor (not extreme but cold condition).


I though it was a contact problem so i tried to unmount and re mount the lens: nothing better... i end up pulling out the battery and put it back in.


Since i keep having the err message anytime with any lens and without lens on it: it happens after the first shoot when the camera is turned on.


I did try to shoot with or without a lens, with or without the vertical grip (with 1 or 2 batteries) diffrent CF cards ... same thing.


I ended up giving it back to Nikon for service. I'm still waiting for it to come back.


Till there i'm still investigating of the origin of this message ...

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  • 2 years later...

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