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Bob A. 17-55 2.8 review?


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Hey Bob,


I see that B&H has it in stock. Before I shell out $1200 for this one ,I think

I'll wait and see what you think. After reading your 70-300 f4-5.6 IS review, I

picked that lens up, and your review was right on tack. So waiting on you.


You better hurry before I spend the $1200 on something stupid; like food!

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I'd be happy to review it if I could get my hands on one! I bought the 70-300 for myself, but I don't think I'll be forking out $1200 for my own 17-55/2.8. Not that it's not likely to be good - I expect it will be - just that I personally don't need a fast zoom with that range.


If I can get my hands on one for a few days, I'll certainly be writing a review. Just don't hold your breath waiting for it!

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I think the 24-105 is very good value for money, even at UK prices.


I expect there will be quite a few takers on the 2.8 IS, if you want to upgrade from the 18-55 kit lens and don'r want to agonise over different lengths and combinations, it's a natural.

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Photo.net doesn't get any EOS stuff to test from Canon. They've loaned us a few digicams and printers (which we appreciate), but they've never been forthcoming when it comes to Canon EOS stuff, either camera bodies or lenses.


I think that to get on their good side for EOS gear you have to totally avoid making any comments on rumors of new products or speculating about what they might be working on.

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