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suggestion for a change in search for users


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Hello, it is very difficult to find users who give only a letter as a surname

(such as Max K etc.) The response times are too high given the fact that a long

list of users is being generated. Sometimes it is impossible to have the list

displayed. Would it not be possible to enable search by the whole name ? Thank


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At the moment, photo.net allows people to choose to use an initial instead of their full surname for privacy and/or anonymity issues. In this case, their surname is not searchable, as it is not in their account info.



Photo.net Director of Community

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It is technically possible to search by the whole name, but that currently isn't a user option. I think it's something photo.net might consider adding to the "to do" list of modification to be made.


I'm not sure if users will always be able to register using an initial. If the "real name" system is ever put into play it's possible it may not be an option. However that will be Philip's call.

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Josh, Bob, thank you for your answers. I have nothing against people listing their initials for privacy reasons. However, I think it should be possible to find them in the database even when they only give their initial. I encounter the searching problem when I try to find people listed in the weekly e-mail alert for photos. This is another "to-do" thing that could be improved without big modifications - there could be links to photos in the e-mail alert - instead of just user name and photo info. This way we would not have to search for users, but simply click on the link. It would also reduce server traffic, so it might be convenient for photo.net administration. What do you think ?
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Not a bad idea. However, until the software upgrade is complete, the to-do list is limited to things that directly relate to the upgrade.


We are hoping that in a few weeks, things will have settled down enought hat we can start adding/adjusting various parts of the site.

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