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Shaun, one option is to assign the actions you want to string together function keys and then as you record a "Master action" (ie: the one you want to use when you string the actions together) press the function key instead of the "Play" button in the action palette as that will override the recording of the master action. Be aware you can't change the assigned function keys and you have to keep all of the actions that you want to string together in your action palette or the "Master Action" won't know what to play.


Another option is to duplicate the steps in the original actions and drag them in order to a new action.




Adobe CTI Photoshop

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<i> instead of the "Play" button in the action palette as that will override the recording of

the master action</i><br><br>

The play button stops recording on a Windows machine? Wow, that sucks.


Playing another action in the middle of recording works fine on OSX--that is, the call to

the other action is recorded, not the individual steps of the other action.

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<< The play button stops recording on a Windows machine? Wow, that sucks.>>


Unless the 9.0.1 patch fixed it, my students kept trying it and it would stop the recording process. I too had no problem on Mac OSX. I always wondered if it was only a XP or 2000 thing but I haven't tested it in the last several months.



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