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Novice questions - bear with me!

jameson epp

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Usually, this forum is quite good for beginners, but this thread contains some of the worst advice I have even seen. Jameson, listen to those folks who are saying "keep it simple" and avoid everyone who has a Magic Bullet for you. In fact, after years of experience, you will learn to avoid even more scrupulously those who claim they have found the Holy Grail.
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<p>dude, what is going on in this thread...

<p>not to be a kodak advertisement, but here's what you need:


<p>kodak d-76 developer: <p>http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9422/d76zx6.jpg

<p>kodak indicator stop bath: <p>http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8919/stopbathnx6.jpg

<p>kodak fixer:



<p>i don't think it gets any simpler than that.

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Hey, thanks for all the advice, everyone. I appreciate it. I hope I didn't open up *too* big a can of worms here. I know that there are a whole pile of ways to do this, and in all reality, for my purposes at the moment, I just need something that will work.


Thanks for the pictures adam, nice to know what to look for.


So here's another question: what about "hypo clearing agent"? Some say that I'll need that as well, or some washaid... Keep it simple and don't worry about it, right? :)

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I personaly would recomend HC110 over D76/ID11 because it is so simple to use one shot. 16ml HC110 in 500ml of water will give close enough to dil B and HC110 concentrate stores so well that it lasts for years. ID11/D76 mix to make a gallon stock solution which has to be stored and takes more space than the 1 litre bottle of HC110. ID11/D76 is a great developer and is often recomended as the one to start with so you would not go wrong with either of those.
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