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Query about new Terms of Use


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I have two questions regarding photo.net's new Terms of Use:


1) The word "perpetual" in the new Terms of Use: does that mean photo.net

could continue showing, using, modifying, editing photos belonging to x-

members ?


2) This sentence in the new Terms of Use "You grant Us the right to edit,

modify, quote, or reformat uploaded images and text, including the right to

include advertisements and hyperlinks."

Up to the word text the statement seems clear to me, but "include

advertisements" ? included by editing them into members' photos ? I cant

believe what I'm reading but maybe I've misunderstood.


Hoping for clarifications.

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1- Yes. If you post something in a forum it may stay on the site forever. I this could be interpreted to include images, but images can be removed by users (which forum posts can't). If you remove your image, photo.net no longer has access to it.


2 - The reference to ads is simply to allow ads to be placed on the same page as images or text, where some of the ads might be hyperlinks or some of the words in a text post might be hyperlinked (as has been done for a while now for non-subscribers). I supose a slight rewording of this to make this point clear might be useful. There is no intention of turning images into ads or modifying images to include advertising. That's not what photo.net is about.

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Bob; Somehow this whole thing seems like the old 147.435 Mhz repeater in LA, with folks using long high gain Yagi-Udas and huge linears to capture control of the 2m repeaters input; ie "capture control". A new owner would try to steer the repeaters colorfull crowds ways, with some bickering. Once a few folks took pot shots at the andrews hardline, and then they added I think some armour/pipe!. The fun thing it that the "435" repeater was extremely fun at 4am; one could talk from Ventura on a handheld to a chap/gal in orange county.
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http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=000gTu is an example of why we need the right to publish photos belong to members who have departed. photo.net is not like flickr, a substitute for a hard drive. photo.net is an educational site and uploaded photos are supposed to be there as part of a teaching exchange. If someone decides to do something with their life other than use photo.net, they shouldn't be able to come in and destroy a lot of good educational material that has been collaboratively created.
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Thanks Bob and Philip for the clarifications. I can see the point of keeping the forums intact perpetually.


Perhaps the new ToU need to be reworded so that "perpetual" does not apply to portfolio images.


Similarly, the sentence about ads needs to be written more clearly (as Bob suggested) to avoid misunderstandings.


How about turning things around and saying something like "Photo.net values the educational value of members' input in the forums and therefore may keep your forum contributions (text and images) perpetually. Members are free to remove photos from their portfolios as and when they like." (sounds more friendly IMO - but just a suggestion)

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Dominique: Thanks for the suggested additions, but we're trying to keep the Terms of Use short (the old ones were Wagnerian in length), yet still flexible enough to support features that photo.net might add in the future, e.g., interface to high quality print labs.
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