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Slide to Digital with a DSLR

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what is aRGB? Do you mean Adobe RGB(1998)? Adobe RGb(1998) has the potential to clip

some of the more saturated colors a slide film can record --whether or not it will depends on

the individual image--and Ekta Space is possibly a better working space for this.<P>


Peter Krogh has a whole section about how to do this in <A HREF = http://

www.thedambook.com>The Dam Book</a> including a straightforward way of calibrating

the process using Adobe Camera Raw. I've tried it and as long as you aren't expecting to

make gallery quality 11x14 or larger prints and don't mind dustbusting each scanned slide

manually it works fine. What lens are you palnning on using and which camera?

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Hello Jeff,

The only advantage is speed, as wen you need to digitize a shoe box full of slides from some time ago, so the whol family can enjoy the old snapshots on the TV or monitor.


I have doublicatet with Pentax and slide copie adapter to film in the past, and recently with Canon A620 point & shot with copy adapter getting workable results. An important factor here is: clean slides, ability of camera to focus on film, clean lens in adapter :-) , and a cool & even light source in the 5000 K neighborhood. If your not to picky you can even post process the JPeg's with a one click software. But if you're looking for Quality and ability to print and enlarge, the scanner route is recomended.


good luck, Michel.

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Yes, after much trial and error. There is a good thread about this in the Nikon forum using a bellows and enlarging lens setup. I tried this with a D200, PB-6 bellows, and a bunch of lenses, and the results I got were simply dull. It sort of surprised me a) how much work it is matching a DX sensor to a FF slide, and b) how lifeless the images looked compared to scanning. I did use RAW capture and it didn't help.
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