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i'M having a nightmare with Hc110 and no time to look thru the archives. I

just want someone to give me a foolproof dilution and development time (from

concentrate if possible)I'm teaching kids and developing 2 rolls at a time in

plastic tanks. I don't need perfection, just good negatives. please help!

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Normal dilution is 1:31. So 1 oz. concentrate to 31 oz. water makes one quart of working solution. Or measure 1/4 oz. to make 8 ounces for an 8 oz. tank, etc. Development time depends on which film you are using. Check the Massive Development Chart on the digitaltruth website.
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Geraldine, 1+31 from concentrate is the usual dilution (named "B"). When you teach kids, you probably use Kodak Tri-X (400TX) or Ilford HP5 Plus, development time for these is 6.5 minutes at 20C/68F, with 3 inversions every minute. That should give you good negatives to work with.


Another tip: Set the ISO setting of your light meter to 250 or 320 instead of 400, this will give more detail in shadow areas.

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HC-110 at 1+31 is sure enough easy to do, and will give you decent negatives. But as Paul wrote, the development times for HC-110 at this dilution are very short at 68 deg. F. Development times are even shorter if the solution is warmer. With inexperienced kids doing the work short development times will almost always give inconsistent results. Use dilution H, that's 1+63 or half strength of dilution B. Try it out on a roll yourself before you present it to the kids to verify that you've got it right.
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