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30D & CS2 RAW problem?


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I haven't been using my camera for a few weeks, and recently I took a few

photo's in RAW, but Adobe Bridge doesn't want to open them, and when I double

click on the file, CS2 just says 'couldn't complete your request because it's

not the right kind of file'

Anyone has any ideas?


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I don't understand the complaints about the OPs request. I put the error message into the photo.net search and got nothing relevant to the problem. There was a fascinating thread back in 1998 about interactions between photographers and National Park law enforcment agents and law and ethics, but nothing relevant to the OPs request.


If mundane problems aren't admissible, that fact ought to be posted quite prominently. A newbie has a problem, posts, gets it answered, and maybe becomes a long-term participant. What's wrong with that that a few old-timers get their rarified noses out of joint?! Keep that attitude up and you'll wind up talking to yourselves.


If you really want to handle such a query efficiently, you could suggest the terms the OP should search on, since its not clear to me that you would know what to search for unless you also knew the answer! In effect, a newbie is punished for not knowing what he or she doesn't know -- talk about a bureaucratic runaround!


BTW, as an exercise, let the complainers post the search terms and then argue that the OP should have known them.

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The best way to keep p.net going and going is to become a paying member.


Another way to keep forums like these active and new is to answer the mind numbingly easy questions then point out to the OP how better to find answers themselves. That's what happened here.

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You gotta be pretty thick-skulled not to recognize that the total tone of those replies was openly censorious. Is it that hard to treat a non-pro with a modicum of respect?


BTW, what search terms would you have used that would lead to a solution to the problem and should have been absolutely obvious to someone who didn't already know the answer?

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Apparently in Bruce's world, providing the answer and saying "please" is tantamount to slitting someones throat.


Canon 30D CS2 RAW


First link provided:




<<You gotta be pretty thick-skulled not to recognize that the total tone of those replies was openly censorious.>>


The only one here with the thick skull is you Bruce.

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Rob, let me point out that your search terms are circular, or self-referential. In order to know to search on the phrase:


"Canon 30D CS2 RAW"


you have to first know that the problem derives from a specific CS2 problem, namely, the RAW converter.


As I said, your and Ken's replies require the requester know what his/her problem is in the first place. You're a knowledgeable guy, but I'm afraid you have a problem understanding the amateur's situation.


If there is nothing substantive to be added, it appears to me that this thread has run its course.


BTW: I've learned that I'm both a thin-skinned and a thick-skulled amateur! Fortunately I can rely those who know it all!


Despite my thin-skinned, thick-skulled deformities, the three of you burly pros are holding the photo.net fort against the onslaught of civility. How impressive that is!

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Not to pick sides but hell, let's pick ;) Bruce is right... here, on DP and many other large forums, new users and amateurs get flailed continuously for daring to ask questions in the hope that more experienced users and photographers will help out. God forbid they should, that might mean more competition, you know, with all those rich baby boomers buying up all the great glass and pro cameras and making ground braking' art right from the get go!


I participate much less than I would like right here on PN, which I'm a paying member of, because of the risk of such un called for and condescending answers as those pointed out by Bruce. If these questions bother you, don't answer! Hell, don't even read them! Why not start your own pedant, self-centered pro-only forums? Oh, because you couldn't bash anyone!


At least this didn't degenerate into Canon is better than X/Canon is going nowhere/Film was better/Full fram this/L lens that bs we always see in every other thread!


For the other new participants, never mind those old bitter pros and just ask away and enjoy PN!


2 cents.

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I think your take is about right -- I probably am too thin-skinned, even vicariously. You can't change the culture, but you can act to mitigate some of its effects. Help folks when you can, hope it comes back when you need it.


Time to move on to something new and interesting.

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Thanx Bruce for sticking up for us amateurs, didn't think my thread would spark conflict though.

The main reason I asked in the first place, was I only noticed the problem 20mins before work, I had no time to do troubleshooting myself, so I turned to photo.net, anyone that has a problem with that - bite me!

I welcome any question, and don't mind replying wherever I can... if all 'pro' photographers are as obnoxious as some of you guys, I'm happy to stay an amateur (or actually semi-pro).

At the moment I'm teaching a polish guy with little english how to use his Fujifilm S9500 properly, and also a bit of photography, very rewarding... you guys should try that some time...

Good Luck to everyone else

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Thanks, Johann, for the kind words. I apologize for subverting your query for my own purposes. It should be obvious that you had no involvement in my doing -- although now I guess you've pretty much blown your cover :-)


BTW, I just took out a 3-year subscription. $68 is a cheap price to avert cheap attacks. But I'll be danged if I'm going to post any of my shots -- not fair to the rest of the world to inflict my mediocrity on it. Friends and family suffer enough as it is :-)

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  • 1 year later...

I'm also stuck with this problem; opening RAW files in CS2. I know there's been a feud in this forum with newcomers and oldcomers, but I have a problem with the plug-in I was trying to install (which i took note of from these recent posts, thankfully) When I installed the plug-in (with Adobe's help) it gave me the same error message from before I installed this plug-in. It doesn't recognize my RAW file types.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


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Unfortunately your new post won't be noticed buried at the bottom of this old topic except by the handful of us who have never canceled our "notification alerts" for it.


Basically you have to extract/decompress/unpack the CameraRaw.8bi update from Adobe and then manually move it to this subfolder underneath your main CS2 folder:


\Plug-Ins\File Formats


If there is an existing version there, rename it to something like "CameraRaw.8b1_Old". Then move the new version into the same location. That should work. If it doesn't, post a new topic with as much relevant detail as you can muster.


Everyone has good and bad days, and this thread may have gotten someone on a bad day. Generally I think folks now recognize that the explosive growth of dSLR's is bringing new people (and money!) into this forum and there is more tolerance for questions involving newbie problems.

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