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Money, Money, Money

bob bennett

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I don't like the ads I see here, but I also recognize that a website of the

enormous complexity of photo.net needs money to operate. I would like to

suggest some alternative means of generating revenue.


If you look at my page, you will see I have my business logo as my portrait. It

might be possible for photo.net to make the 'portraits' clickable links to the

photographer's business site. An additional fee could be charged for the service.


I've noticed that many of the images in the TRP could benefit from a frame. It

might be possible to automate the framing of images within photo.net. An option

could be included to add a logo, as I've done here:




This logo could also be clickable.


I have no idea if this would work. It's just a suggestion.




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Hi Bob!


Interesting suggestions, I think though that many don't like framing and is actually considered by some to be a manipulation to the image. And with all of the HTML that is allowed now you can probably make all sorts of things clickable.


Yeah, ads suck.

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..I agree that it's best to create your own. It's your image after all, and you should decide how it will be framed.


I'm thinking that an automated framing system would teach beginners the power of the frame. Hopefully, they would eventually learn to create their own.




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