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B&W film for firework portraits

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hi there. i want to take natural light, firework portraits on the fourth of july. i will be shooting medium

format. anyway, i know the fireworks will burn hot, and it will be difficult, but is there a film that can

handle this situation? for example, a child holding a sparkler at night, showing the details of the sparkler

and the details of the scene behind the child, as well as his/her face? any help is appreciated. oh, and i

sure don't want too much grain, either. thank you.

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Not-blown-out highlights, which it sounds like you are looking for, _and_ very excellent

grain control are going to be a bit hard to find. T-MAX is not an option, as although it has

tubular grain emulsion, it blows out highlights way too easily. Tri-X is a traditional-grain

film, which gives fine prints and is well liked, but may be a little more grainy than T-MAX.

Ilford Delta, which is similar to T-MAX, but may have better highlights, may also be another

choice. I would suggest that you walk down to the local photo store and pick up a small roll

of each before the 4th, and see what you like. Good luck!

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