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"I think it dishonest to single out one of the images, view it in isolation and label it porn."


I don't really know where to start on that: can any image be saved from the charge of being 'porn' simply because it is accompanied by other images? Does the characteristic of being 'porn' accrue bit by bit so that no single image can have enough of it to cross the hurdle and be considered pornographic on its own? Does the same go for other characteristics? Can a single image not be poorly composed because it is part of a panel of images the rest of which are excellent compositions? Can one image from a panel be out of focus?


Surely images which are part of panels must be considered BOTH as integral parts of the collection, AND as discrete entities in their own right and they have various characteristics individually as well as collectively.


As to whether the original poster is 'dishonest' because he finds this individual image pornographic, I'll leave others to judge.

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I have to agree with Bob, "I've seen worse" on PN. It's a little more information than I want to see but at least she is does not appear cachectic. More positives include that she looks clean, happy to be there, over 21, not held against her will, nor drugged. So, in this respect, it's a lot less offensive than most :) Just my 2 cents :)
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Porn? How long you been online? Type 'porn' into Google and follow a few links.

I think you might find this photo falls into a different category. On the other

hand you could <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5053134.stm">try

here</a>. Porn is in the eye of the beholder. The photo you object to is of

a naked woman. Not really a big deal, is it? As the nun and British art critic

Sister Wendy Beckett said, commenting on Venus de Urbino by Titian, 'What wonderful,

lovely fluffy pubic hair she has'

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"that's nowhere near porn." and "Not porn at all" are not entirely accurate IMO. It's funny but I saw that image and thought myself it was on the "porn line" Am I offended? No. Am I worried about it being on the front page? No.


I think of it this way. As a parent surfing this site, I make sure my daughters are not around, as I know there are shots like this posted. I also realize that kids can find HARDCORE porn on the web in 3 seconds, and would not be bothered to come here to see naked women.


Why did I think this image to be on the "porn line"? Well, it closely resembles an image I would see as a youth from stolen Playboys.


I agree it resembles nothing pornlike by today's internet standards, but maybe just a bit Playboy-like, and Playboy could be considered by some, as porn.


As a side note. I like the image and do not worry about it being here.

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Its amazing that anyone would participate in a venue where a broad diversity of art is contributed and displayed and then complain about seeing art they do not like. Those who think believe that such an image is 'over the top' or porn would be better served to stick with magazines and sites where the images are completely screened and displayed only by the publisher. If you are "not into seeing porn" then this is the solution.
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<I>Won't somebody please think of the children?</I><P>Isn't that the job of the children's parents? I know it is in my over-educated, effete, liberal, elitist household.<P>I looked at John Running's portfolio and frankly given the quality of his work I'm surprised he bothers with photo.net at all. I found his nudes erotically stimulating but far from pornographic. Pornographic = dull, cliched, literal, hackneyed, unimaginative and with nothing left for the audiences imagination: I can't say that about John Running's work as it is presented here.
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Picture this:


Scenario: A kitchen knife was shown to a housewive and a serial killer.


And these are the thoughts that came to their mind:


Housewive: This knife is pretty sharp, good for an all-purpose kitchen knife.


Killer: This knife is good for cutting and slashing people.


Both are seeing same object, but yet the thoughts are so different. I guess your perception on the subject shows what really goes in your mind at the moment (or your personality - what it tends to lean towards to).


Looking at the "porn" picture mentioned by the thread starter, since this is afterall, a photography site, the first thing that should come to your mind is: It is a picture of a semi-clother woman - but why the pose is a bit weird? Or what's the message behind that hand gesture/pose, or why is she shown half naked? How about the facial expression? Why on earth is the leg on the right cropped out from the picture? How about lighting, or details? etc.etc..


You shouldn't be thinking about PORN. This is a photography site, and I suppose we are interested at the aesthetic/artistic/technical aspects of a picture.

That particular picture is not even close to porn. It is a NUDE photography.


I have to admit there are a few borderline pictures, but this one is not one of them. Just my humble opinion.

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