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Code of Conduct for Guest Members


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I think that guest members should at least conduct themselves in the same manner that you would want a

guest to behave in your home.

1) Do not abuse the free membership given to you. Three months of free use is enough to make a

decision if you want to be a subscribing member.

2) You can complain, but do so in a way that no one is offended. You can make suggestions for change,

but don't hold your breath.

3) If you must criticize or rate, please do so gently and softly, as I assume you would want to be treated,

but if I am wrong , leave your calling card and we will treat you the same way.

4) Stay a while, see the sights, discover the visions and tastes of thousands of photographers, Look at the

different presentations, porfolios and galleries. There are hidden masterpieces, thousands of them that

fell through the cracks of the rating system. But if you still want to go, just leave softly and close the door



Thank you!

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Bad pun, I agree.<p align="justify">

I'm looking for what has motivated you. Don't forget that the difference between a guest member and a suscriber is only about $25: nothing to do with any photographic or artistic skills.<br>

I think you aren't competent to decide how guest members should use photo.net.</p>

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Well, I personally pay little or not attention about being a guest or a paying member. After all, the difference between the 2 is just... 25 dollars. It doesn't change the man and it doesn't change the photographer. I assume you have been hurt in some way by a guest member, but if you look closely, i bet you'll find paying member who also can be offensive, rude or thoughtless. Besides, why do you say that "3 months of free use is enough to make a decision" ?. Firstly, it may NOT be enough (i used PN off and on for more than a year before making my decision) ; secondly, correct me if i wrong but i don't think that PN staff prescribes rules about this, so why should a member - even a paying one - do ?
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I agree that code of conduct is not gonna work. Outside of the obvious site rules there is no way on earth you are gonna control humans, especially the new ones full of questions. That kind of control would very soon start to smell.


I also agree with Emma's insighful comment above. I think it is the die hard forum fanatics that cause problems with personal gripes and taunting. I'd never heard the term 'troll' before I came to this site. I was wide eyed and shocked to see the incredulity displayed at a personal level by so many good photographers.


I hope the site will flourish as a more liberal and happy place to be.



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I apologize if I hurt the feelings of some members guest and subcribing. Let me clarify or

qualify what I posted. Occasional visits, posting and other activities in my opinion is OK.

Again this is open to discussion.Regular use of the site without contributing to the upkeep of

the site is unfair to the ones paying. There are 100,000 active members my guess is that if all

will shoulder the burden, maybe dues may fall to $20 ( I'm not holding my breath).

Tim, I don't impose, I suggest, and I did'nt realize that one has to be a member for 5? years

before stating one's opinion.

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I have been following many threads on pnet and there does seem to be a pattern that very quickly forms and that is the original question is not answered now as you are so hot on manners please tell me what has upset you so. As this thread has the makings of covering many matters of concern on pnet.


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Emma, I am sorry I gave you the impression that I am shying away from your question. I have

two issues here, one is the continued use of the site without helping in its maintenance, the

other is the manner by which some guest members behave. This is what I believe in. A guest

should conduct himself impeccably at all times during his visit. If he changes or show his true

colors after being a subscriber, so be it. Another thing, no organization

is perfect and this website has faults but all things consideredPN has a lot of good

points than bad. Waiting until all the repairs are fixed IMO is rationalization.

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i am a guest member because I am retired and cannotr affort to pay.

I would rather buy food or pay an essential bill.

I admit to having opinios but feel I can also see both sides of a discuusion.

there is never any need to be abusive or vulgar towards other posters.

if a point cannot be made without vitrol, maybe the effort should not be made.


because I go back to 1948 as am amateur photographer, I may see things differently than some who started only a few years ago.

I didn't even have an enlarger until 1961!

my view of things may be simpler and different, but that is not always a bad thing.

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Thank you for your reply i agree that all people should be polite especially when they can not aggree on any given topic, but i still find it hard to believe the way organisers of this site operate. If you ask people to part with their money you would normally expect a break down of where those funds will be allocated. On a few feedbacks when this question has been raised by some long as well new members the tirade of abuse has been totaly off putting and leads me to consider what is pnet all about.


The other question that i have is about members and non members anxiatey about ratings. As yet i dont see any relavents to ratings as they dont contribute to prizes ie computer hardware or film stock. Nor do they appear to qualify any of the photographers to host an exhibition in an appointed public gallery. I would appreciate an explanation as to why ratings are held as so important i would have thought that constructive and creative comments were of paramount importance. Pnet is filled with good ideas and yes there are many good things about it but its the bad that remain most prominent in most peoples minds, especially when they are not answered from those in control.



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Mr. Narcisso writes: "1) Do not abuse the free membership given to you. Three months of free use is enough to make a decision if you want to be a subscribing member. 2) You can complain, but do so in a way that no one is offended. You can make suggestions for change, but don't hold your breath. 3) If you must criticize or rate, please do so gently and softly, as I assume you would want to be treated, but if I am wrong , leave your calling card and we will treat you the same way. 4) Stay a while, see the sights, discover the visions and tastes of thousands of photographers, Look at the different presentations, porfolios and galleries. There are hidden masterpieces, thousands of them that fell through the cracks of the rating system. But if you still want to go, just leave softly and close the door gently."


It is precisely this sort of elitism, combined with abusive behaviour and one instance of serious and repeated email harassment of which I was the recipient which have kept me from becoming a paying member thus far. Every time I get ready to submit my $25, I see something like this thread, or the one on english referenced above, and I just seem to put it off on a matter of principle. If I pay my $25 will I be an elitist then too? Will that elevate me to some inner circle in which the images I create and the opinions I might have suddenly acquire some value they didn't have before? I don't think it should, because I'm still the same person and photographer I was before I paid the $25.


Well, Narcisso, I guess my three months have long expired. I would like to thank Phil Greenspun for the inspiring site he created and which was what initially caught my eye and lured me here. Also, thank you, Mr. Mottershead for allowing me to lurk around here, and I hope my critiques might have helped to, if nothing else, encourage others. Thank you, Bob Atkins, for sharing your truly vast technical expertise with us all, and I shall continue to read your articles and information when I can. Most of all, I would like to thank the wonderful people (both members and guests) I met here who took their time and effort to view and critique my photographs. You have given me so much, and I hope you have gained something from our exchanges. You have my email address. Stay in touch.


Meahwhile, Mr. Narcisso, I know the way out, and I'll be sure and close the door softly so as not to disturb anyone as I go. Maybe after the dust clears and Phil has a chance to get things squared away I can return. I'll be checking back from time to time.


It's been real.



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Steve, too bad that you're closing the door and I hope to see you back. Been nice bumping into you now and then.


It seems that there's an assumption that paying members behave perfectly. I believe that paying members should have more options than non-paying members; otherwise, why pay when one can get an equal free ride? There have been many reasons given in the past as to why this site still has an honor system. The poor high school students and people living in countries where the payment methods are not available are examples. Besides, non-paying members are subjected to ads, which help the site financially. As for critiques and comments, it seems like you're looking for the "Wow! Great pic 7/6." I don't play the rating game anymore and wish that the ratings I received in the past would disappear. Unless people are outright obnoxious, be my guest and rip my photos apart with your views. I don't agree with a few of pnet's procedures but I think your post is just wrong, to put it mildly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My names Levity and I'm an alcoh....a photographer (HI LEVITY). I'm truly endeared towards all the members of photo.net for treating me with respect even though I'm (apparently) a lower class citizen, as I cannot afford to join. I'm aware that my submissions and movements are limited as I have not paid the joining fee. The only time I jump onto this forum is while I'm at work in the Kodak lab (please try noy to spit everytime you here that word, the floor is getting slippery).

Sadly in a small town I don't sell any photos and if I did, I could immediately join.


You can always give me a gift subscription....

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