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Received my $65.00 Contax from Ukraine.

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Gene, you always get such great results from that Kodak Gold 200. With your example in mind, I recently picked up a roll of it. Haven't been able to bring myself to shoot anything with it yet, though, because I know the local labs will punish it severely.
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<i>Russians did steal the whole Contax factory. Not only designs, machines and rawmaterials but workers too. The whole factory.</i>


<p>As it was mentioned, they:

<p>1) Didn't steal it, but recieved as a part of war reparations, per agreement between Britain, Russia and the USA at the Yalta conference. Other allies had their share of trophy as well from their respective occupation sectors;

<p>2) Not the "whole" factory, but only what has remained after the allied carpet-bombing of Dresden.

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Russian did not steal anything from Germany. The contax was part of war reparation. Of course, Germany was no part of the deal because it's defeated. The old contax product line was bombed into ash. Even the blueprint in the safe stored underground could not survived the bombing. After the war, Carl Zeiss built three new production lines that were eventually moved to Russian. The U.S. took away a lot of intellectual properties (you may call it a steal). In this regard, German people hate the U.S. more than Russian. I believe all the Zeiss prototype lenses/equipment are still lost in the U.S.



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No judgements here as Germany was a defeated war enemy:


1500 tons of patents were liberated from Germany by the USA. This is unprecedented even today where an entire nation's intellectual property was emptied out. A good number of their brightest scientists and engineers followed.


Of course, the most poignant example would be von Braun's rocketry and most of his team, without which, I doubt America would have made it to the moon. To play the opposite side of the argument, he probably would have never made it to the moon without the USA.


Did anyone catch last month the release of a new book that suggests that the Germans may have carried out two small scale nuclear weapons tests before the USA? I believe there are groups now looking for evidence of such tests. If true, its remarkable what can be covered-up in the recording of history.

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The Yalta agreements were (are) a great disgrace and only sanctioned reality. As far as the

U.N. is concerned, that is the same organization which supervised Iraq's so-called "Oil for

Food" program. We've all seen what a sham that has been. The bahavior of the Allies after

World War II is nothing to be proud of for any of the participants, but Russia was the worst

of the bunch. It's too bad that history is written by the victors because truth is often the

greatest victim.

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Sorry again Jim, it wasn't Russia who carpet-bombed Dresden or nuked the Japanese citites. It wasn't lining the Germans along the walls after the victory either. Pardon me as I dismiss your opinion as unsubstantiated and bogus attempt at revisionism.
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Alas, I don't do badly for someone who flunked out of the second grade. OK, Amerika is

the great Satan who forced Germany into World War II and then stripped away all German

assets after defeating the Vaterland (actually it was Russia that did all the fighting). Russia

never committed any atrocities; all the bad things were done by the Amerikans. When

Adam and Eve committed Original Sin and were ejected from Paradise, it was actually

Moscow they were thrown out of. It was only an inadvertent omission that Pope John Paul II

failed to canonize Josef Stalin. <snark OFF>

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