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are you a tri-X man? (part 2)

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hooked up with maya again and this time around i went back to an old

favourite--neopan 400:






...also loaded up some agfa apx 100 for the first time:<br>




i feel rather silly to have waited so long to try this excellent

german film, given that the same company's "scala" is all i'd shoot if

it didn't cost an arm and a leg. if the ISO400 version is anything

like this, i expect i'll soon be excommunicated from the church of

tri-x. please share your experiences/results.


<i>note: all pictures above were shot through leica (neopan = M6 with

summicron 40 & tele-elmarit 90; agfa = R4 with summicron 50); films

developed in ilford dd-x (7 min.)</i>

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Vuk, Both series are very nice, but I prefer the look of the APX100 series. Probably because it is 100 compared with 400. You may want to experiment with processing it in Kodak XTOL. Easily varied dilutions will give control over tonality and contrast, when needed.


Another great film family to try is Ilford Delta.

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I really like the photos and the model. They go well together. So, I suppose the film did its job too. Anyone able to get ahold of Neopan 400CM, or whatever the C-41 version of it is called? The readers of one of the British photo magazines gave it a product of the year award. Any idea why Fuji won't market that film in the US? Anyone know how to order it from abroad? Is it worth it? It would solve my scanning problems with traditional B&W film.
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"I prefer the Delta 3200 pulled back 2 stops and the 100."


Frank, Delta 3200 pulled two stops (to 800) just brings it back to where it belongs. It's really more of an 800 to 1000 film. I've tried it at 3200 and got very thin negatives with unreadable shadows. I think I used TMax developer. SO I agree, this is no 3200-pushable film. I figure it's good for about 1250, or maybe 1600. I like to shoot TMZ instead for such purposes. At 1600 in TMax, everything's there.


Tri-X outdoors: I get a nice, snappy looking picture when I shoot it on a dull, overcast day. Full range of tones. This is in XTOL. I've run out of XTOL now, and I doubt I will buy any more, since it only comes in a 5 liter package anymore. I suspect I can get great results with Tri-X in Microdol-X 1:3, since I get excellent dull-day shots with HP-5 in that developer. If it doesn't work, I'll just use HP-5 from now on.


On a sunny day I'd rather use FP-4 or Delta 100.

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sorry again about the server problems (it is not, as teenager eric suggested, anything to do with my HTML/web skills). i have just uploaded duplicates to a different location:


neopan 400:<br>

<a href="http://www3.sympatico.ca/qstatistic/maya06/maya06neo_v.htm">http://www3.sympatico.ca/qstatistic/maya06/maya06neo_v.htm</a>


agfa apx 100:<br>

<a href="http://www3.sympatico.ca/qstatistic/maya06/maya06agf_v.htm">http://www3.sympatico.ca/qstatistic/maya06/maya06agf_v.htm</a>

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Vuc, that last Neopan 100 shot looks waaaay oversharpened....so I doubt we're seeing Neopanin skintones as much as Photoshop.


I like your black frames.


You didn't ask ...BUT I think her face shape, skin, eyes are so beautiful that the wild hair, the clothing and especially the body shots, actively take away.


Personal taste, but to me she'd be more beautiful with very simple hair styling...I'd want to crop much tighter, or do more with her shoulders...certainly less with her hair.


I'll speculate that you had a good time fooling with her hair!

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