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Printing Velvia slides 6x7 can we get the same quality?

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I would like to take some photos using Velvia slide 6x7 because I

enjoy very much the quality of this film. I have some questions

about this size of slides?

1 - If I make prints on paper of this slides how is the quality of

those prints? Do they keep the same colors and quality or for print

I should have to use another type of film to get similar quality?

2 - What type of projector and scanner do we use for 6x7 slides?

My question about Velvia is because I have seen some beautiful photos

on Photo.net and most of them people use this type of film. I did

some shoots with Velvia but in 35mm.


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Printing 6x7 Velvia transparencies will get you far superior results than printing 35mm Velvia.



If you are trying to decide whether to print negatives or transparencies then that is more difficult to explain. It is less expensive to print negatives but if you are looking for the impact of Velvia then the more expensive methods of printing transparencies are worth it in my opinion.



Printing 6x7 negatives will also be a huge improvement over printing 35mm negatives. Printing negatives, especially medium and large format are still very pleasing. Good luck!

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Many people are attracted to Velvia because of its sharpness, high contrast, and high color saturation so perhaps what you like about Velvia is its "look" as compared to other films. You could capture that "look" in a print, and prints in general from 6 x 7 would be of much better quality than from 35mm, but it would depend on the quality of the scan and how it was printed, too. Velvia can be more difficult to scan than other films because of its contrast so a drum scan would probably give you the best results, but there are several desktop film scanners available that will produce good scans from medium format transparencies, also. Medium format scans using a flatbed scanner and transparency adapter usually are inferior in quality to a dedicated film scanner. As far as projecting 6 x 7 transparencies, I think you may be out of luck.
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There are also places that still do Ilfochrome printing in the traditional manner which is still likely cheaper than a high quality scan plus high quality print. The process was discussed here in the past few weeks.



The "affordable" projectors for medium format are the Kindermann 6x6 projectors. I believe they are still made but will not fit 6x7. I doubt Mamiya still sells the Cabin 67 but you could look for a used one. They used to be quite expensive.

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Do shoot a couple of rolls of Velvia in 67 format before committing to buying a scanner. You might discover that ISO 50 isn't very practical in this format for the shooting conditions you encounter. Even the newer ISO 100 speed might be too slow.


You might also want to let the lab do its own drum scan when making large prints - but it'll cost you.

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Francisco, The processes for getting prints from trans film like Velvia are fewer than in the past as digital printing gains prominence at the expense of direct prints or Ilfochrome printing. The best process is drum scanning (or a high end film scanner like an Imacon or Nikon 9000) with the digital file being printed on a Lightjet/Chromira/Lambda printer. This will cost you, so choose your shots carefully..


The colour palette, quality, and character of Velvia is indeed preserved with this process. Velvia has been the film of choice for landscape photographers since its release in 1989, and it is indeed unique. In flat, low light, nothing comes close to its signature effect. Few people shoot 6x7 for projection - you are better off getting a good loupe and lightbox for evaluation and selection for print candidates.

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Thanks everybody for all suggestions and comments concerning my doubts. I am not sure if I could explain well because my english is not so good. When I asked about to make prints using 6x7 negatives I meam using lab, not using scanners and printer. I know that there is some way they make copies of the slides straight to paper, but I am not sure about the results. Concerning the scanner I am just thinking to have one to transfer the slides to the computer as most of the people do in photo.net.

But I am very happy because I received many suggestions and I will continue participating of this forums and I have been learning a lot, reading all the questions and comments. I belive that this is one important way to learn about photograph, and here we have the opportunity to share experiences.



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