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ricoh cameras


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I have a Ricoh...it was/is my first box camera. I used it out West several years ago and never developed the film until last fall.....I love all the surprises...at the time, sunny sixteen was my only light meter.....the photos all had an old West look about them which I tried to emphasize in photo shop....I scanned the negatives on an ordinary scanner....then worked in Photoshop...




<a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?topic_id=1481&msg_id=00BbEo&photo_id=3220922&photo_sel_index=0">http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?topic_id=1481&msg_id=00BbEo&photo_id=3220922&photo_sel_index=0</a>

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I still use my XRP-Multi program that I bought new in 1986. The power winder/grip came with it as some sort of promo offer if I remember correctly. It has traveled the world over with me and never let me down. The light seals are shot now and the mirror bumper needs replacing but the camera still doesn't leak light and works fine. When I bought it, the XRP had the most features for the money and in all these years and hundreds upon hundreds of rolls of film, I have never regretted choosing it over a different manufacturers product. I still use it for B+W work to this day even though I have other much more modern cameras.


Great camera, great memories!


- Randy

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I have and use an XR-P, XR-10 and Sears KS-2 (Ricoh XR-7), all fine cameras. I have the 1.4 fps PG-4 power grip winder, and the 2 fps XR Winder 2, both of which will work on any of these cameras. All 3 bodies use the Copal square electronic shutter which seems bulletproof. I guess Ricoh figured they could make more money selling copiers and such...
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Ricoh Camera's are one of the underated performers outthere and the best bang for your buck on the used market. I have Ricoh 519 Delux w/ 45mm f1.9 lens rangefinder camera, much better than the 500 series w/2.8 lens. They try both to market twice a solar power SLR 1st the XR-S from 82 and again in 95 with XR-Solar both one of a kind camera's and unique in history of SLR's. They also made a 50mm AF stand alone lens that will auto focus with manual SLR back in early 80's thats vary original in style, too bad ricoh, never venture into the world of autofocus slr besides P&S compacts and GR1's series are proof that they still have all the tricks and know how in optical works. I love my GR1s and the color and contrast it produce will put Leitz and Zeiss owner to shame. When they look a my prints produce by GR1s they scratches their head and said "its from a Ricoh?" and wish they have this lens on their posh minilux or TVS's cost 2-3 times as much.
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I liked the GR1 but, in the end, I decided I just didn't have enough use for a camera with a fixed 28mm lens and swapped it for a 24mm to fit my Nikon. I gave my sister a Ricoh digicam and she seems pleased with it.


One of the local dealers told me that Ricoh are out of the film camera market. He got this from the Ricoh Rep. so presumably it's true.

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  • 1 year later...

I've always used Ricoh camera's and have found them to be most reliable. I take photo's of ships most of the time and often shoot in horrendous weather conditions and the Ricoh's take all the punishment I can throw at them.


Currently in my collection I have - XR500, KR10, XR-P, XR20sp, and a KR10m. I also run a Pentax P30 but more often than not a Ricoh accompanies me when i'm shooting 35mm.


They also produced some really good lenses in their time.


It's a pity that they are so underated. The only thing missing from Ricoh equipment is the big brand name!

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  • 6 months later...
Have owned an XRM from its initial release date, many happy snaps, still in constant use and excellent condition. Recently have purchased XR-1s,XR-2s,XR-10,XR-S. KR-5,S,SII,SIII. KR-10S,KR-10M along with an abundance of original and non original lenses. Currently aquiring,testing,catogorizing and repairing these widely unsung golieths of our past. All historic information is always welcome.
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