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Suggestion about Rating


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Hi, sorry if this was mentioned before,


my suggestion is, to have some preferences, either in user profile or when user

is going to "rate photos (anonymously)" which would allow to choose, which

categories of photos user wants to rate.


I find myself so often looking through pictures i have no interest to. like

'children' or 'cars'


I know sometimes it;s good to have an open mind etc. but I think it;s enough if

i choose to see the best of those pictures in 'top ratings'?


only a suggestion ;)



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Who cares about how some anonymous joe rates my pics? I know Photo(Shopping).net is really keen on making this the next Flickr, but hey, I don't photograph for higher scores, nor do I care about how these are rated at all. I only take in constructive critique. Numbers and grades mean nothing... this is art!
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There is only a small percentage of people on PN who really are interested in receiving good critical thought. The rest of us are pretty well formed in our artistic beliefs, and are not likely to change. If we get someone to say something nice about our stuff, we puff up and congratulate ourselves on being good. If someone tells us we made a piece of garbage, we dismiss them as ignorant, uncultured, barbarians. That�s fairly normal. The only constructive thing I would add, is that it would be nice if people doing the ratings would consider what they are doing instead of acting like they are taking a straw poll on a picture�s popularity. I am bored to death with a lot of photos, but when it comes to rating, there are two categories, and they are very distinct categories. Thus, it is possible to have a very pretty and aesthetically pleasing image, that has zero creativity. That is not to say that there are not some wonderfully creative dog pictures out there, but it is to say that there aren�t very many of them. Same applies to everything else from nudes to tulips. But because something has been done ten trillion time before, does not mean that it should not get a good rating for its ability to convey meaning. If a picture evokes an unusually large emotional and intellectual response from the viewer, then it is an aesthetic success. Seems to me most PN�rs do not grasp that concept. A high rating for aesthetics should be given whether or not you like the subject, and whether or not you wish to hang the damn thing in your living room. So the gist of what I am trying to convey is that it is quite possible and should be normal for ratings to be very high for one aspect and quite low in another.
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HI! it;s late here i am back froma clib and drunk, so I'll be short :)


Darrel, of course I skip, that's why i thought about it, i am tired of skipping, yet, from time to time, i have the urge to do anonymous voting - there's nothing wrong with that, (that's comment to others) i don;t take it too seriously or anything, Are not we all having fun ;) Taking pictures, that is, But then we all like to know what others think about out work, otherwise, what;s the point etccc,. i didnt mean to sound or make this thread so phisilophical. cheers, kris

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David, you put it well. It's just that if someone trashes a pic of mine, it's his opinion and I couldn't care less. If someone trash a pic of mine and provides factual notes of how to improve it, then I take a mental note, bookmark the page, and mark that person as interesting.
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Kris- Nice, simple suggestion. Makes sense to me, but not to the "photo gods". This could mean less "clicks" & clicks must mean money. My only explanation for why the "anonymous" rating only applies to the "critique forum".


Mark Meyer- Interestingly, cynical statement, I don't believe it for one minute :)


You said, "There is only a small percentage of people on PN who really are interested in receiving good critical thought. The rest of us are pretty well formed in our artistic beliefs, and are not likely to change. If we get someone to say something nice about our stuff, we puff up and congratulate ourselves on being good. If someone tells us we made a piece of garbage, we dismiss them as ignorant, uncultured, barbarians. That?s fairly normal."


It may be "normal" at present but sadly, it was not always so. There have always been a few the were as you described, but the majority appreciated & learned from a tactful, honest critique which offered suggestions on "how" to improve one's craft via "good, critical thought".


What happened? It's a long story, not found in the archives (the most enlightening discussions were deleted). In a nut shell, the majority either stopped using the critique forum, rated directly, or stopped rating altogether & just left comments. Some, actually left PN on their own or were "Banned for life". It's been a wild ride the last 18 months. Similar to the ups & downs of a manic/depressive episode :)


Th majority remain pretty silent, take a wait & watch attitude & don't buy into the anonymous rating system. That's what is "normal" here in PN-land. The majority are level headed, intelligent, kind, average people, who make some pretty interesting observations.


So Kris, as boring as those "children" & "cars" may be to you, I find them more interesting than "birds" & "nudes". We just have different tastes. That makes the world go round. Try commenting on only those you "don't" find interesting with regard to only the photographer's technique & not the subject matter. Might make it more interesting & thought provoking.

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Kris, why not go to the critique forum, click on the categories you like such as landscape, portraits, street or whatever and rate directly. That's my standard way of doing it. Of course it then means you can't be anonymous, and your rating won't count in the rate recent average TRP. But so what? If your honest in your rating the photographer gets the benefit.
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Sorry, I have nothing against other 'tastes' and I know i can rate things in critique forum, that's what I do, of course sometimes I feel lazy and prefer the other way.


My whole point of this thread was simply,

more preferences for the user, especially, for the parts of this system site, which are done automatically. that's all,


If anything i am all for removing anonymous rating etc, but that;s another story covered else where :)

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