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sticky Paterson reels

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I am using a Paterson Super System 4 plastic tank with two plastic

reels for developing B/W. I got it used and put 20-25 rolls of film

through it so far. I am noticing that it is becoming harder to load

the film on the reels even after minutes of drying the reels with a

hairdryer. So humidity is not the issue. I use wetting agent (ilfotol)

all the time and read on this forum that this may have to do with

reels getting sticky.


Is there a way to fix the reels or do I need to get new ones? I

obviously cannot stop using wetting agent or I would get watermarks

all on the film.


Thanks, Berk

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I've used the same reeels for twenty years without a problem. It may be due to the accumulation of gelatin on the surface of the reels. As Ivan says, tey soaking in bleach, but I don't recommend scrubbing them. This merely roughens the surfacer and makes it more likely to accumulate gealtin from the emulsion. When the reels are moulded I would imagine that a silicone release agent is used. This makes the surface of the reels slippery and resists the accumulation of gelatin.
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Berk, I've had the same EXACT problem, even the amount of rolls was around 20-25, with the reels that came with my AP tank. Look closely at the film path, I found traces of a brown chemical residue there, gave them a good cleaning to get rid of that and voila, film loads like butter again.


I was surprised (and a bit ashamed I admit) when I saw the amount of dirt that came out from them :P

Btw, also noticed that while with the dirty reels I had trouble loading Neopan 400, Tri-X offered almost no problem. That said, after cleaning the reels they all load perfectly.


Good luck.

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My students used patterson reels and I always put them through my dishwasher at home at the end of every quarter. But like Nikos says, using a separate container to use photo flo is a good option...remove film from reels and with an end in each hand, "soup" up and down, then hold film horizontally for flo to move to bottom of film, then hold one end up and drain off the excess and hang to dry. Oh, and I'm sure the guys above are talking about a diluted bleach solution, not straight bleach. Mary
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Yes, a toothbrush is ideal for cleaning, but even dilute bleach will eventually damage the plastic and also corrode the little SS ball bearings. Use some vinegar instead (soak for ~30' or so and then brush), or in a pinch use a full strength cleaner such as toilet cleaner, soap scum/lime remover or even the gel style dishwasher detergent if the deposits are really tough to remove (wear gloves and safety glasses when using these strong cleaners).


I suppose a light silicone spray could then be used after cleaning but I'd worry about contamination of the film in solution.

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