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flash sync F100


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Any speed that doesn't stop action could be used to drag the shutter. So yes, you could drag the shutter at 1/60. But I personally think it's still too fast. I usually drag mine at about 1/15 or slower. Try using the rear sync function of the F100 along with a flash unit. In my opinion, that works better than simply draging the shutter without flash.
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"""The flash sync of the F100 is 1/60 to 1/250. Is 1/60th considered dragging the shutter?""""


The F100's fastest sync speed is 1/250th, but it will sync with "any" speed slower.So 1/60th is not the slowest sync speed. It is however the default slowest for TTL.


Dragging the shutter, is when you shoot below a normally safe hand holdable speed such as 1/60th! In dark churches, I often shoot at 1/15th at F8 with flash.

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Not really. As others have suggested it usually a consideration when you use a longer

shutter speed , like 1/15th or maybe even 1 second to capture the ambient light as a

significant source of illumination (usually about a stop below the illumination level from

just the flash) at that shutter speed plus aperture +ISO combination.

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