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We just moved to Kentucky, and I am having a hard time finding a

good developer. I had a great professional lab I used when we lived

in Southern California. I have had the best luck with Wal-Mart's one

hour service, honestly, here. Although, they do develop them

somewhat dark sometimes. I use them for myself, but don't wish to

use them for photos I take of other people. If anyone can help, I'd

appreciate it. Does anyone recommend a mail-in lab? I live about an

hour from a major city here, and it's hard for me to try out several

labs because of that. I am specifically needing 35mm developing, not

digital. Thanks. Kari

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Hi Kari. I know the feeling, especially when I have to travel. So, here's a thought. If you had a good working relationship with the lab in California, you could continue to use them by sending your film in by mail, UPS, or Fed-x etc. Not a roll at a time, because that gets costly of course, but maybe by batching several rolls at once. Nice thing too is that you probably wouldn't have to be paying Calif. sales tax anymore and that savings might offset the cost of the shipping. My favorite lab is in Burbank, Isgo. http://www.isgophoto.com In all the years I've been doing biz with them by remote control, they haven't lost a single negative or misplaced a roll of film.


Another thing you could do, depending on whether you get any recommendations for a local lab, is go to the Kodak site and see if you can find a Q Lab in your area. At least you'd know where to get your E-6 and C-41 work processed, but that might require mail-in too. Take it light. ;>) Mark

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Kari - I'm actually in SoCal, and while there are places closer to KY, there are few that would compare to A and I (aandi.com) out here in Hollywood.


Another place I would recommend is MainPhoto (mainphoto.com), also here in SoCal.

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Thanks for the help. I HAVE thought of using my lab in California (Photo Works), and never thought about the sales tax savings making up for some of the shipping costs. It may be my best bet for now. I checked into A and I the other night, but from what I saw, it costs about 30 some dollars to develop a roll of 24 prints. Was I reading that right? That's pretty steep. Is that normal for professional developing? I got wonderful prints, and I paid about $12 a roll at my place in SoCal. They went through and adjusted each photo individually. I would ocassionally have to have them reprint a photo or two, but not too often. I will check out all the places you both advised. Thank you again. Kari
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No, you're looking at something wrong. I do all of my processing at A&I. I buy the mailers from B&H for $11.95 (C-41) and E-6 are less than 6 bucks. They do fantastic work and I've never been disappointed, (they are a pro lab). I live in Miami and from the date of mailing, turn around time is anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks.
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Okay, you're right. I went back to the sight and actually went to B&H, because I thought I had heard that somewhere, and it's about twelve bucks a roll. I have heard nothing but good about a & i, so I'm gonna try it. I'm just gonna have a random roll of film developed before I use them for a job. I'm very happy to get this information from everyone. The thought of my search for a developer possibly being close to over is comforting! I have a wedding and a cd cover "shoot" coming up and was getting a little nervous about where to take the film. Anyways, thanks again. Kari
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