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Advice for website development/website hosting.

bryan olesen

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Everyone, I am thinking of creating a website to try to sell some

images. Don't want others to sell for me. I have been searching the

net and have come across so many options that it's getting to be

much too much. Am looking for suggestions/advice from members here

who have had some some experience. I do have knowledge of HTML and

would like to create my own or more likely at least start with some

available templates. Don't have mucho funds for Dreamweaver or the

like.<br></br>Will need basically three things: 1.) Who/where/books

to go to get started with pages that I can modify regularly or as

necessary and upload myself to the hosting site 2.) A trusted

website host around/under $20 or so per month. 3.) Will need to

incorporate ecommerce (paypal?) for clients to pay

with.<br></br>Thanks much for any info you can provide and I welcome

any links to your personal sites as examples. Thanks again...

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www.powweb.com - have used then for three years now and never have a problem. Their

are about $8.00 a month.


I use paypal on my site to handle online sales. Paypal has a lot of info on the reference

part of their site on to how you set everything up.

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1. I can't really help you with a book, I use www.webmonkey.com for most of the things I do with HTML, or just find a page that has what I want and figure out how they did it by going to "View->Source" in IE.


2. I have had good luck with www.pair.com. They have different plans for different needs, but I'm using the Advanced plan ($17.95 a month) and have never had performance, availability or any other problems. They are also very knowlegeable and very helpful with any questions I have had along the way.


3. If I remember right, Paypal should be able to be incorporated into just about any site using a standard HTML link.



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<p>Regarding your question about hosting, I am glad to see that you realize the importance of a reliable and responsive host. I have had experiences with the following:</p>


GoDaddy (cheap but lacking basic features e.g. no Control Panel or decent site traffic reports (!) and with other arbitrary restrictions - good for Domain Registrations though),</p>


Ipowerweb (decent Control Panel but essentially NO customer service).</p>


I have been impressed with FutureQuest.net in terms of responsiveness and their package features though they are slightly more expensive (but within the target range you mentioned). You can actually host upto 5 domains with their "internal redirection" feature. These will remain visibly independent i.e. without the visitors knowing that they share the same hosting account. While some hosts will tout their "Forwarding with Masking" as way to do this, that is simply not a solution. (Users can see the main hosting account's name in the status bar and in the links.)</p>


Most good hosting companies will provide shopping cart and merchant account features (allowing payments via credit card). Costco Executive Members can sign up for merchant account processing at decent rates as well. There are some concerns about Paypal which you may want to read up on before choosing them. (You can do a Google search on "Paypal Problems".)</p>


Hope this helps. All the best in your efforts.</p>





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