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how to develop polaroid film negatives ?

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i have some polaroid B&W film that i think has a negative. im not

shure but i dont have it at hand now.


im interested in how to process such a film. do i need a stop bath

too or just develop and fix ?


i figured this cost me the same per frame as shooting b&w film with

the rz plus proof prints. and i have instant results. (not as sharp

but anyway)


thanks, D.

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I'm assuming Polaroid Type 55 P/N<p>

This will give you a positive, and a negative. The positive needs to be coated (product included in the Polaroid package) and the negative needs to be cleared in Sodium Sulfite solution (not included). I have never bothered getting sodium sulfite, but use Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, which <i>is</i> mostly sodium sulfite, and easier to source.<p>

Theoritcally, all you do is clear the negative in the HCA, wash and you're done. I have heard of people fixing them... I think.

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hmm sounds complicating.

a friend used a ilford fix for that. but i dont know wich film he used or if it worked out.


James i use a polaroid magazine for mamiya rz. there always film flatness issues with pack film.


maybe you assumed i use single load large format polaroids ? that is something different i believe.


thanks for the answers, D.

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