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Nature/Nightsky/Misc Flashlights for photographers


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As everyone else, at least once in their time, i have this little problem: What flashlight to use when

photographing in the middle of the night. After some trials and errors, eliminating those flashlights that

would be more then my EF-L lenses, i have concluded that SureFire A2 Aviator is great little light for when

i need to see where am i going, and once i get there, to set my camera. Any other suggestions?



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A really good subjection I have for you is find a light that has a white beam and a red one.


This is what I use when I am outside in the dark. I bought it at Dicks sporting goods for I think $40. Its super bright and sharp light. And the red light is great for not lessining your night vision. Realy good for looking at camera settings and orientation and if need be spot light something to focus on. i mainly use the red light on this. Great battery life too.




I really recommend having a red beam for preserving your night vision when your looking in your camera bag for something or looking for roots that may trip you. I have found it dose not startle or scare off many animals if you use red light. And also it attracts far less attention from people.


Good luck hope that helps, try a red light at night.


Justin T

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My suggestion is to buy a LED headlamp. This option allows you to work with both hands and the light always shines in the same direction you are facing. It's great for the hiking in the dark to and from your shooting spots. I got one and thought to myself 'Why didn't I get one of these years ago!'


There are many different different brands with different features and options. It will take a bit of research. The 'must have' feature that I highly recommend is the band that goes over the top of the head. This makes it much more comfortable to wear. If you don't have this feature, you have to tighten the band around your head fairly so the headlamp will not slip off your forehead. I had one without this feature. After two minutes of wearing it, my head always felt like it was in a vise. Headaches soon followed.

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I carry two flashlites. A 2AAA MiniMag stays in my camera bag all the time. It's used to check camera settings on my 4x5 and I also place it in the scene and focus on it when shooting in near total darkness. I also carry a 5D MagLite which is a honking big one. We have mountain lions where I am, and I want all the light I can reasonably carry to spot their eyes from a distance.



Kent in SD

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<img src="http://a1072.g.akamai.net/f/1072/2062/1d/gallery.rei.com/media/709063_9996Prd.jpg"><p>

Petzl Tactikka headlamp. 3 LEDs, flip-up red filter. With the LEDs in the low position and the red filter up, it's very dim indeed, dim enough to use around slow film. It'll expose well on 1600 digital though. I have a traditional mountaineering headlamp with a halogen bulb and the big 4.5V battery, and the 3 LED / 3 AAA headlamps are brighter and I have no problem using them to routefind off-trail in darkness. I wouldn't recommend anything with a traditional bulb anymore.

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I have found another light that is much cheaper and can fit the needs.



They both belong into Tactical Light category, meaning primary white light is strong enough

to scare, even temporarely blind human and animal, giving you "tactical" advantage.

Importatn for us who shoot with Canons and Nicons rather then Smith and Wessons.

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