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Why random images on bio page?


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<p>I am just getting to know this site. I am still unsure why things

act the way they do. One thing I would like to figure out is why

three of my pictures show up on my bio page?</p>


<a href="http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?




<p>I have created folders to organize the pictures I upload, but I

can't figure out why these particular photos show up on my bio page.

I wish they wouldn't.</p>


<p>Is it becase the first three images are displayed (in alphabetical

order)? Wouldn't it be better to be able to choose your three best?


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Regarding John's answer, this feature of photo.net bio pages can be used to give viewers a quick view of a few of your favorite photos, or those that you'd like to emphasize for any reason.


I think the limit is three most recent photos on the bio page - any additional previous photos are scrolled off and the thumbnails appear only in your folders.


So if you don't think the photos on your bio page represent your best work, upload one, two or three of your favorites. That will force the existing photos off your bio page.


Also, It might be a good idea to create a new folder just for your most recent uploads. If you have lots of photos categorized under many folders, it might be easier to keep track of. Just a thought.

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I understand, however I wish they wouldn't show them like that. The latest image I uploaded was an example of a pre-PS'd image I wanted to include in a discussion. It is not one for which I would like ratings or comments. Now I feel that I need to upload three more images just to get that off my bio page.


Oh well, not a big deal (I am begining to say that a lot.)

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If you want to include a photo in a discussion without its appearing on this page, then you can resize it to 511 pixels maximum width and it will appear inline on a forum or photoforum page, provided that you give it a title.


To start the process, you must go to the page in question where the discussion is taking place and click on "Comment" or "Contribute an Answer." Make your comment and then upload the resized photo, again being sure that you have given it a title. If it is wider than 511 pixels, or if it has no title, then it will appear as a link rather than display inline in the discussion.


Photos posted in this way will not appear in your portfolio and will not show as being among your three most recently-uploaded photos.

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