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120 Acros / Rodinal 1+50/Jobo rotary. Suggested dev time at 24 deg c.


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As mentioned in another post I have pretty much got APX 100 /

Rodinal 1+50 tamed for my Jobo ATL 1500 (fully programmable time

wise) which delivers stunning strobe lit portrait/headshot negs.

(5min pre wet / 10.1 min dev / 6 min fix and 8 - 10 mins wash)


Unfortunately a job came up on very short notice and as these things

usually go, the shop was out of APX 100. Instead I bought Acros but

have yet to test this combo so I?d be very grateful if someone could

kindly offer a tested dev and pre-wet time for Acros in a Jobo

rotary at 24 degrees c.


Though very helpful, the Massive dev chart isn?t always accurate for

rotary processing and I'd rather post here first before blindly

going with their time. Ideally a test is in order and I did in fact

shoot a roll of the actor holding a grey card which I'll measure

with a densitometer but I only have the one roll so Id rather start

with a tested time.


I have a Gallon bag of D76 which I'll mix if suggestions favour

Acros in this over Rodinal


Many thanks in advance,



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Well, this is hardly going to be accurate for you; but just in case you don't get any other responses maybe you could do some calculations from it and get close.


I shoot Acros 4X5 @EI 75 and develop rotary (old unicolor drum) in HC-110 dillution H (half the chemical and twice the time of dillution B) and my times (condenser enlarger) at 20 deg C is 5.5 minutes.


So if you get real desperate you can compare times between the 2 developers and see what percentage I cut my times.



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The test roll was shot with various brackets around the mid.Should also have banged off a whole roll of one exposure for the test you suggest. Much more effective for a dev test. This bracket roll was actually intended for a print test. Will shoot two rolls next time.


Cheers regardless,



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Went for it and processed the test roll in D76 stock a touch under fuji's recommended time of 5:15 and the densitometer reads about a third to two thirds of a stop over so I did the rest just under 5 mins and voila, perfect!

Hopefully this info will be of use to someone searching photo.net in the future. A 5 min prewet seems to do wonders for this combo too.


Thank you all who contributed to this thread.



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