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D2X: Can't open raw files??


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I just got my D2X and tried to open up my first raw shots using

Capture 4.1.2. Couldn't do it -- "not supported." JPEGs opened fine.

Tried Photoshop CS -- it couldn't open them either. What the hell is

going on?? DO I actually have to install Picture Project and use

that trash to work on my pictures? This can't be!


Any idea what could be wrong? Do I need Capture 4.2? Do I have to

spend another $100, or can I upgrade somewhere for free. I couldn't

find an upgrade on nikon's site.

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AFAIK, in Europe the Capture updates are free on the net, but you need to have bought a Nikon digital product from an authorized dealer in Europe to have access to the site. On the other hand, Capture costs 300 e there vs. $100 in the US, so maybe it is right that you may have to buy it. I would however not advice you to buy the latest version of capture as it is extremily slow on the D2X files and it's so obviously slow and memory-consuming that Nikon will have to introduce a fix to it or people will just use 3rd party software.


The old programs can't read the new data files because the raw format is camera model specific and the design may change during the development of the system. I still don't see this as much of a problem ..

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The current Nikon Capture is version 4.2.1. The notes that accompany the updater seem to indicate that the D2X is supported. I would try <a href="http://support.nikontech.com/cgi-bin/nikonusa.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=13501&p_created=1109898292&p_sid=DunoKXCh&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD04NjUmcF9wcm9kcz0mcF9jYXRzPSZwX3B2PSZwX2N2PSZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**&p_li=&p_topview=1">downloading </a>

the updates before I called Nikon for support.


Mike S

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Photoshop CS is supposed to be able to support DX2 Raw files sometime in May.. I'm in

the same boat you are in.. just got my DX2 and discovered I can't open up my raw files

either. I'm not wild about installing Nikon software on my computer so will wait until

Photoshop CS supports the D2X which will be soon enough. Until then I'm shooting in

Raw AND Large JPEG so I have a image that I can work with until then.

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I'm pretty sure the upgrades are free but you have to install all upgrades from your current version in order. At least that's what I had to do. I couldn't just jump to the latest. Once there it is as slow as erosion. I was at a Nikon course last weekend and the instructor said it took Capture 2 minutes to open a D2X file in MAC and 50 seconds in XP. He did say they're working on a patch to speed it up. I just hope my wife doesn't see this because she'll expect me to do the ironing between opening files.
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It takes 2 steps to upgrade Capture 4.1 to 4.2 then 4.21 (I think those are the version numbers). You have to do them in order. They are free in the US also (just did this with a Mac last PM). No problems. Can also update View to 6.25 (again I think that is the latest version number). I have read that Photoshop CS will essentially not support newer camera RAW files since the updated Camera Raw that will support these cameras (D2X) will only work with PSCS2. According to Adobe the DNG format would be the way to get the D2X files into PSCS as the free DNG converter will be (or is already) updated to convert D2X RAW .NEF files to .DNG RAW files.
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This is the "word" from Adobe I was referring to:


Thomas Knoll - 03:54pm Apr 4, 2005 Pacific


?There is some confusion about Adobe Camera Raw update plans in the wake of the CS2 announcement. So here are some answers.


ACR 3.0 will be including on the Photoshop CS2 CDs. ACR 3.0 will not support any new cameras beyond ACR 2.4. (Some cameras will be moved from unofficial support to the officially supported list, but that is just a testing issue, since there where no actual code changes in the processing for these cameras).


Because of the fairly long lag time required for testing and CD duplication when releasing a major Photoshop version, some fairly important cameras missing the cut for support in ACR 3.0. Most notably the Nikon D2X and the Canon 350D/Rebel XT/Kiss N.


So our plan is to take advantage of the shorter lag time of the Internet, and to ?short cycle? the ACR 3.1 release to add support for these cameras (and possibly a few others). We are planning on posting a public beta release of ACR 3.1 on Adobe.com in early May, about the same time as most purchases of Photoshop CS2 would be receiving their CDs.


ACR 3.1 will only work with Photoshop CS2 and Photoshop Elements 3. Photoshop CS owners will need to upgrade to CS2 to be able to read the native raw files from these newly supported cameras, but they do have the option of the using the free DNG Converter 3.1 to convert the native raw files into DNG format, which can then be opened by ACR 2.4, if they want to delay updating to CS2.?


It is off the new (and very informative)PhotoshopNews "Blog"




and is from a posting by Tom Knoll to the Camera Raw forum on thst site.

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I see no need of using RAW files...They are a PITA...JPEG fine is more than adequate for your purposes...Besides you had better touch base with lab you intend to send the RAW files to...I use probably one the best photo labs in Houston..They will not accept RAW files...Anything but RAW...
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Bill, you can't be serious. IMHO, Raw is the only way to go IF you want total control over


workflow and final retouching. You will bypass all the in-camera image manipulations. The

first steps like exposure, white balance, noise, color

balance and what not

are done in your Raw converter, then you convert in Tiff format (yes, huge files, but no

loss), and the final

retouching is done in PS or other image editing software. Then and only then, save in Jpeg

if you

feel so inclined.


Try it once, you'll be hooked. And you'll need much bigger CF cards ;)


Edit in Jpeg format is a no-no since you lose quality everytime you close

and open a file.


And, of course, no one expects you to send Raw files to a consumer lab for any kind of


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Of course, before sending photos to a lab you need to process them to look the way you want them, and use TIFF or JPEG to submit. JPEG is meant for internet transmissions, and you always lose detail. What is worse, the algorithm converting from RAW to JPEG in the camera at least in my D70 is poor compared to those in Nikon's PC software. JPEGs have more moire artifacts etc. it's not meant for normal use, just newspaper type stuff and quick sending via the internet. I would never shoot in JPEG unless there is a specific non-quality-demanding application and the time was absolutely pressing. In fact, I wouldn't accept such conditions where I can not process my images myself before submitting forward.
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Interesting threads... I downloaded the updates to Capture in sequence, and now it is working, at least in Caribbean time... it takes about 30 secs-1minute for a RAW file to open up, and manipulations are slow as molasses. I certainly hope they come up with an improvement -- this is so slow it makes the files virtually useless. I'm going to post this question elsewhere as well... am I missing something, or did they get rid of the Exposure adjustment tool from Capture 4.0?? What the hell is the matter with them?? That's only the most important tool in the whole kit on many shots!
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I don't believe I lose a thing with JPEG. Using JPG Fine the file is usually around 1.5 mgs...I download these files to a direct drive then onto a CD...Then if I want to use them for the web I simply "send" it back to a direct drive and edit it for what ever use I want to put it to. I have perserved my orginal file. They make great a great 11/14...

I have nothing against RAW,it just is not my cup of tea..To each his own,

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