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any database suggestions?

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My goal is to really ramp up on networking this year and I need a

good database program to stay organized. Does anyone have any

suggestions for software that will hold all vendor and client

information, handle email distributions including client "reminders"

and marketing pieces, and manage a calendar/schedule?


I'm curious to hear what others have tried and how it works for them.

A program built with the photographer in mind might be a benefit but

is not required.




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Filemaker Pro works well for me. It is powerful and user friendly. It can handle any kind of data. I use it extensively for cataloging my slides. Once I've entered the information for each slide one time I can then use the data to print out all kinds of reports, including in my case a master index, slide labels, delivery memo, submission report, and a little 2 x 2 insert to replace slides out to publishers. There no limit to the kinds of reports you can generate.


For non-photo applications I use it to keep a personal inventory, track my gas mileage, print business cards, print labels for jelly jars, and maintain an address book.


It is a relational database as well, allowing you to link several files together and interchange information from one to another.

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If you're into building your own, I second Arnold Theisen's choice.<br>

Having taught and used both FileMaker Pro and Access, FMP is the easier of the two to learn and to get up and running.<br>

It usually comes with a choice of predefined templates.<br>

And yes, its files can be used on either the Mac or PC.<p>

If you're not into building your own, and use a Mac, then checkout the prebuilt ones on www.versiontracker.com.<p>


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What's you budget?<br><br>

Two good contact managers that can help you manage your customers, vendors and activities are ACT! and Goldmine. These are battle-tested sales contact managers that have been around for a long time. Many, many individuals and companies use them to manange their sales opportunities. What your describe above is exactly what these applications do. The reason I ask about your budget? They are both around $200.<br><br>

I don't know what your rates are, but I imagine that you couldn't create an application with Filemaker Pro that's as sophisticated and comprehensive in $200 worth of your time. And in the grand scheme of things, how many incremental sales would it take to pay for one of these programs ... one, maybe two, three on the outside?<br><br>

If you have Microsoft Office, you may also have Microsoft Outlook, and that can also be used. It's fine for managing contacts, tasks and calendars, however it'll take a little extra work to use as a sales management tool. If you buy it on it's own, it's a little cheaper than ACt! or Goldmine - about $100.<br><br>

ACT! Website: <a href="http://www.act.com">http://www.act.com<a><br>

Goldmine Website: <a href="http://www.frontrange.com/goldmine/">http://www.frontrange.com/goldmine/<a>

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Thanks for all the great suggestions, I will be sure to check out all of them. I am not opposed to spending $200 on a program so long as it really answers to what I need, so I'll take a peek at ACT! and Goldmine. I'm intrigued by Inview to see what a database strictly for photographers looks like!


Thanks again, really looking forward to checking these out.



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