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how photo.net protect their members?

robert janevski

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Ok this time without identifying the person in question.


Any comment for a member who is member on this site since today and

already has 184 rated photos with average ratings 2.67. ...without

any comments of course.


This member has rated 184 photos on this site, with average ratings

of 2.8 for Aesthetics and 2.67 for Originality. The ratings went to

120 distinct photographers.


Many of his/her 2/2 rates were on top 20 photos. I am really

interesting what the people of this site will do in this case.


I am not a professional photographer at all...I am still

beginner...and It was my first time to be between top 20

photos...yes, maybe it is not big deal but it was important for my

like a photographer...I realize that somebody respect my work....and

then BUM!...ok I am still alive...i didn't call 911 but I am just

interesting what are doing to protect the true photography from this

kind of people?


that is all

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<i><blockquote> I am really interesting what the people of this site will do in this

case. </blockquote> </i><p>


Send a complaint to abuse@photo.net if you think there's abuse.


Otherwise, this vague, ominous complaint is useless.

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Rating patterns like this are picked up by the software and deleted automatically once per day and the ratings averages of affected photos are recomputed at that time. It would be nice to be able to detect ratings abuse and block the user and/or delete his ratings immediately, but some time must be allowed to elapse in order for the pattern to become clear enough to trust software to handle this. That means unfortunately that a troll can still affect the ranking of photos in the "24 Hr" and "3 Day" periods of Top Photos.


Some types of abuse, such as retaliation and mate-rating cannot be picked up at present by our software, and these should be reported to the moderators at abuse@photo.net.

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if you know where he lives you can pay photo.net to send their flying goon squad to go

rough nim up a bit and break his kneecaps. Of course the expenses (private jets, lawyers,

insurance, hotel suites, hookers, etc.) on this are high and becausee the goons are brilliant

top notch professionals at what they do you might find this solution to be out of your

ballpark unless you are James Dobson or Dennis Kowlowski.


The recommended alternative is to just sit back and realize that you have absolutely no

idea of who this person is or what their qualifications to judge a photograph are and take

this person's ratings for what they are clearly a manifestation of -- the lif's work of the

personality of someone suffering a severe case of impotence combined with a smaller

than average set of sexual organs. An immature man stuck in a boring job and living a

meaningless life who carries a large bitter chip on their shoulder about their lot in life

which feeds their desire to annoy anyone (which means everyone) perceivably more

talented than he is.


Of course you might also want to look in the mirror and ask yourself why you want or care

about the

validation of your work by a bunch of unqualified strangers. If you want honest opinions of

your work

show it directly to people whose judgements about these sort of things you trust to honest

and candid.

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Hmm. I think I know who are you talking about. This member in contrary rated one of my photos 6/6. But now is he/she deleted and also every of his/her ratings.<br>

I am only affraid if this automatic deleting will not turn against some other "normal" members and delete their accounts or their ratings that were thought seriously.

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Besides trolls (i.e. people with a disproportionately large number of low ratings), who are dealt with automatically by software, for the last few weeks we have had a problem with one person who is running a script from a variety of different IP addresses and newly-created accounts to put a large number of ratings on photos in a short amount of time. This person has figured out that if all the ratings are low so that the script looks like a regular troll, then the ratings will be deleted automatically. Instead, the scripts put 400 or 500 ratings on photos in about 10 or 15 minutes, and the ratings are distributed somewhat normally, with a low average around 4. Our normal software would not consider this to be a troll, and probably would not touch these ratings.


But I have other ways to detect this, and for the last few weeks I have been looking for evidence of this script a few times per day. It doesn't happen every day, but when it does, the false accounts used are banned, and all the ratings deleted, including the high ones. That is probably what you saw.

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It would seem to me that you can spot very short intervals between rates (say 10 in one minute) and disable the account.


It also seems to me that it is very easy to extract the IDs of the top rated pictures from the TRP page and feed them into a script which posts to the insert ratings page.

If the insert ratings page had to be passed something else about the picture (e.g. the folder ID) then the only way to post would be to download the page where the picture was. If the extra data was calculated by javascript to make it harder to extract, so much the better.

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Yeah, sure. There are plenty of ways to deal with it. It isn't a big deal. It is just one person doing it and he only does it every few days. Its been easier just to check occasionally and delete the accounts and the ratings. I reckoned he would get bored and go away. It is hard to see what is so exciting about doing it. Since he is still at it, I will probably have to write some code to handle it. I probably already would have, except I've been sick for the last couple of weeks. I've only been monitoring the system during this time.
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By the way, James. I don't think the script that the kiddie is using works the way you describe. One could write the kind of script you describe, of course. But the one we are dealing with is going through the Rate Recent queue, simulating that UI; it isn't just grabbing the photo id's from TRP and sending in ratings on them.
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I will try to explain clearly. I am quite a freshman here, and not everything is clear enough to me. Ok: I saw that if I go to the photo critique requests by category, as soon as you finish rating a picture... you are taken straight to the next one. While I find this useful if you are a professional reviewer, I am afraid this can make subscibers a loop and judging without spending the right time to judge seriously. I cannot assure I was able not fell into that despite my careful intention. I don't want to make people change their habits, but I am afraid that this mechanism doesn't help people who pay poor attention to other people's pictures to correct their attitude.
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Brian, I think I've located a member of the 'script mafia'. This guy became member on Feb 12, has no uploaded pics (of course) and so far has rated 227 photos on this site, with average ratings of 4.54 for Aesthetics and 4.15 for Originality, the ratings appearing 'normal', with a tendency to thrash otherwise highly rated photos. The ratings went to 205 distinct photographers. The name is at your disposal should you wish to investigate (or send the goon squad)...lol
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I don't think this person is a robot. Just someone who spent a few sessions rating photos via "Rate recent queue", spending a few hours in all. All but a few of his ratings are in the 3-6 range, with the majority being 4 and 5. A new user can't be expected to know that 3 and 4 are regarded as insults by some or that many people have the custom of not rating photos that are average or below. Apparently he thought your photos were average or below. I haven't looked at your portfolio, so I don't know if I agree, and I wouldn't say anyway. But he is entitled to his opinion.
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Since my last post, I've been given 'the treatment' by .].Z; he's entitled to his opinion (of course) and since I have no delusions of being a reincarnation of Cartier-Bresson any constructive criticism -as opposed to just leaving a grade- by an avid critic to matters photographic-judging by the sheer volume of his grades- is more than welcome. Thanks for stopping by .].Z
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