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How will Leicas (apparently imminent) demise affect YOUR photography?

tom h.

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Since the most apparent problem is that there is enough used Leica stuff in the market that nobody has to buy new Leica stuff, I doubt we will be affected very much at all. Besides, what I have will out live the production of film, so I see no issue at all regarding my equipment.
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Speculation about Leica's demise are tiresome. First we've already had a million threads on this subject, and secondly I doubt it will happen. However, if it did happen, it is very unlikely that prices of existing Leica equipment will go down. Just the opposite will happen. Prices will go up, just like Alpa camera and lenses went way up in value when Alpa got out of the 35 mm camera business. Don't hold your breath for Leica prices to come down. People would snarf them up like there's no tomorrow. :-)
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Canon hasn't made a rangefinder with intertchangable lenses since 1968 and they are still being used repaired loved and cherised. I just bought an L-1 and can't wait until I can afford a top notch CLA for it so I can start using it. Lets see 2005 - 1968 = 37 years


My L-1 was made in 1957 that 47 years old approx.


We won't mention that my Model III is now 54 years old is in perfect tune and take beautiful photos


SO you leica guys got a little while before ti's really serious!

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I did not think I would yearn for a bit of Erwin Puts exaggerated positivity about Leica products, but, yes, these threads are tiresome, as tiresome as those that postulate that all new Leica products have to have at least one trip back to the manufacturer before they work right. Sorry; don't believe it; please go away.
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<i>Won't affect me at all.</i>




I did not realize you were a Leica user, always being so negative about everything Leica.

I am curious. What sort of Leicas do you use, RF, Reflex, Digital? what do you use them for? I do not remember ever seeing a Leica photograph posted by you.

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i always thought when i had the money i would love to by some new leica stuff - 28 'cron, mp, various odds and ends - now i guess it'll have to be newer used stuff. IF i ever have the money that is. if leica goes under, i will continue to use the equipment i have and will continue to shoot what ever moves me to raise my camera to my eye at the moment, so i guess it won't effect my photography at all.
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I don't use any Leicas, which is why I will not be in the least affected. I do however own a small black zippered leather pouch which has the "Leica" emblem on it. I belive that qualifies me to post as the owner of an official piece of Leica gear.


I do use rangefinders, in fact I own 4 of them (actually I think I may have 2 more in a box in the basement which don't work). None of them Leicas of course. I suppose that does let me into the club as well through, since the essence of Leicaesque photography is the use of a rangefinder isn't it? If one would fit in the Leica pouch I'd use it, but it's too small.


Of course if this forum is for Leica camera owners only and all other rangefinder cameras owners are excluded from posting of mentioning other brands of camera, then I guess I'll have to sharpen my moderator's axe and start to do some chopping.


Now why don't we get back to photography (or at least discussing equipment) rather than making suggestions about the motives and qualifications of other forum members, which I believe is something photo.net gets quite upset about.


I have no problems with Leica gear. They make (made?) good stuff. A bit overpriced and overhyped, but still good. If someone wants to give me some, I'd be more than happy to accept it...

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To answer the original question; if Leica finally goes out I won't have to see another post about the demise of the company. In reality there are enough cameras, lenses and other assorted weird named items to keep us shooting long after the demise of film which probably won't happen anyway.
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It will be sad, but life will still go on. Other companies ZI, CV are making fine cameras that may not be Leicas, but cost a LOT less. The management of Leica is not focused on staying alive. They seem to be trying to save everything and it will not work. Look at what is making you the most money and dump the rest.


My guess is you will have Leica focusing on M cameras and dumping the R and the PHDs. Advertise a bit out side to the outside world. Scale back. My guess is that if they did this, the prices would come down a bit across the line.


Don?t be above making lenses for some other cameras bodies (Canon or Nikon perhaps). As long as you are making money, hitting your numbers, stay with it. They forgot what happened with the M5, didn?t sell, but the CL did. Find the niche and own it!!


If Leica Camera does pull a Wang Labs, life will go on. It will be sad, but nothing is forever.


B2 (;->

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I don't qualify as a Leica geek, but I must admit, I have a soft spot for them. My

first professional quality camera was a Leica M4 with a 2.8 Elmar callapsable

lense which I purchased in 1967 for $288.00. Imagine that! I used it through

the seventies and did a lot of what it is good at--street photography in b/w--

while at the same time morphing over to Nikons, which I still use.


I'm going to do a quick search this afternoon through some negs, and see if I

can put my hands on anything worth sharing that I made with my Leica.


If this is Leica's demise, I'm saddened.



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