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Photography or Obsenity?


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Today I got a phone call from a man who wanted promotional material for his business.

We went over the basics and discussed price. He didnt blink when I quoted him a

substantial fee to cover portraits and events for his company. He mentioned travel and

accomodations paid for; although I told him it may be cheaper to go with someone local.


Further into the conversation, it turns out that he owns an "adult entertainment" company

and asked if I had a problem shooting "nudes". I've attempted to shoot a few "form

figures" and some "fine art" type of nudes ... but nothing erotic, sexy, sensual or

pornagraphic. I don't have any photos of this nature in my portfolio that he's seen, he's

hell bent on my photographic style.


I'm not interested in shooting porn or anything to "saucy". That's not the kind of

photography that I do and respect one's choice to do so.


I hope to become a serious photojournalist one day and cant help but think if something

like this could come back and bite me in the a$$.


The pay is good, but where does one draw the line? My husband is making jokes about

him wanting me to photograph men while "at attention" ...


I dont know what to think about this and curious about your thoughts or opinions...

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From an amateur's point of view, seems to me if you want to be a working pro, you may not like every assignment you get. Yet if the pay is there, and you don't have any moral objections to the shoot itself, why not take the job?


You can always decline any photo credits or use a pseudonym for any credits, thereby significantly decreasing the chances of this assignment coming back to "bite you in the a$$." I remember seeing a story somewhere about the incredible numbers of mainstream Hollywood production people who got their start in the porn industry...

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I was a pro shooter in L.A. for decades in and near the Hollywood area, and got inquiries for all SORTS of gigs, including several just like the one you describe. It seems to me that if the guy is established in the "adult entertainment" business and is having any success at all, he already has had dealings with photographers and it seems odd that he is reaching out at a distance for the likes of you. If he's legit and sincere, he should be more than willing to spell out IN DETAIL just what he wants and what's involved. If he's vague or evasive, shine him one. Either way, think long and hard about it, and protect yourself whatever you do.
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Thanks for your insight,


I asked my neighbor his opinion on this. He's an up and coming actor who gets regular

work. He said he would only do it if he needed the money but under a different name.


I asked him if he would question the intergrity of his favorite news journalist who doubled

as an "adult entertainment actress" by day ... he said he would.

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What's the big deal? If the dude is paying you and you feel that you can do the job, why not do it? When you're busy shooting the people fucking and sucking and god knows what else they do you'll be too busy thinking about getting your exposures right and framing the stuff properly etc etc.


Sex, hard cocks and pussies is going to be the last thing on your mind.


Don't ask me how I know...

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Without discussing the moral issues or future potential concerns with your reputation, I agree with the earlier posting questioning why an established person in the adult entertainment industry would reach out to you. I am not a pro however in my occupation we have several times been contacted by companies looking for a service provider. In similar circumstances these were "established" companies and we were at first very happy to have the business. However we quickly learned why they were looking for different companies to work for them, they are terrible to do business with. If an established person in that industry comes to you and insists on using you, even though you have nothing in your portfolio to indicate experience for that industry, then others who are more established for the photography he is looking for have declined to work with this person for whatever reason, walk away.
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Ellis makes a good point that I would take farther: Does your actor friend respect the nightly newscast less because the nightly news cameraman moonlights as a cameraman for an adult film studio?


That said, shoot whatever you want to shoot. I just think there is no need to construct strained analogies to justify your decisions.

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Thanks for all your insight,


I talked it over a little bit more with my hubby. We went over the pros and cons. I asked

myself some simple "real" questions (which are too politically incorrect to post here).

Some of which were putting myself in the shoes of both parties.


I've decided not to do it. I dont need the money that bad. Besides, most of my clients like

to keep their clothes on :D and the mere risk of being branded is to great for me. I'm old

enough to know that your history follows you and may come into question one day.


On the other hand, I feel sorry for him. I somehow feel he should have the right to obtain

photo services like anyone else ... just not from me.

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..... I realize there are strong opinions here and i'm far from prude. "Will I look at the

camera man differently if he moonlighted as an adult film producer" ... I probably wouldnt

look at him differently but I will see him differently.


If you must know, I asked myself what kind of people read news. Are they the artist type

who understands the artistic value of nudity? ... or are they the type of people who are

uphauled when there's a "wardrobe malfunction" on tv? ... are they the type of people who

are embarrased and ashamed of the thought of nudity? It was a simple and clariying

answer for me.


I think most people here understands "art" ... I will not do news (photojournalism) for


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the thought of someone being a minor crossed my mind. That would be scandelous .. lol

.. to say the least.


I had another call (from a different production company) the other day. The guy said I was

recommended to him by someone :O ... He wanted me to do film stills for an adult movie

to put on the CD boxes.


I must say, the money sounds quite tempting and its hard to turn business down from a

business perspective. But I said, "No, I'm sorry ... I dont do that kind of work."


btw, He was recommended by one of the places I advertise. If anyone wants me to run

some business their way, feel free to send me an email and i'll forward the info next time.

I still do have this guy's number. I live in New York.

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