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Kodak 400vs rated at 200. What will happen?

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I recently shot two rolls of Portra 400vs of some friends and their

baby but accidentally forgot to change the iso on the camera. I have

heard that an over exposed neg can be saved at the lab by asking for

it to be procededed differently or it can be adjusted at the

printing stage. What will the effect be on the pictures? What could

I do to save the shots?


Many thanks


Jarryd Bekker

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You do not need to do anything special. You overexposed your shots by one stop.


It may seem like a lot to go from "400" to "200" but it is really just one f-stop. For a given lighting condition in your photography, every time your double or halve the film speed, you change the exposure settings in the camera by one stop. You shot 400 film with the camera set for 200 film. That means your camera used f/4 when f/5.6 would have been ideal, or used f/8 instead of f/11, and so on. If you think in shutter speeds, then when the "right" speed would have been 1/125 second your camera was picking 1/60 second.


Those one-stop differences are not going to hurt your pictures.


Portra (like most color negative film) is very tolerant of minor overexposure.


Just have the film developed normally. No adjustments necessary. Everything will be fine.


Be well,

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