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Style questions


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I've been looking at the photo's around this and some of the other

forums for a long time now - and there's some people who's style I

really admire - Edmo, Balaji particularly.


Edmo - I've noticed that quite a few of your pictures vignette - is

this deliberate? And how do you get that contrast? I'd love to know

the film you use and any post processing (darkroom or digital) you do.


Hope this isn't breaking some magic-circle secret - I'm just curious

because it's such an individual style and I like it a lot.



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Bob, thanks for the comment. No, no secret and pretty straight forward. In order (somewhat), I'll adjust the contrast via curves or levels then warm up the pic or tone it with color balance. Some local tweaking here and there if required. Resize and sharpen, maybe some edge burning if it looks like it can help. Everything is done by eye till I'm happy with it (not always too) and pretty intuitively. Probably a little more concerned with feeling rather than shadow detail or sharpness.


As far as film goes it's all TRI-X or HP5.


The vignettes are intentional, just playin' around.


Hank, voyeurism is fine and fun. Though after awhile your face looks just like the guy sitting next to you and I just gotta look at something else.

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