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Favorite film and developers for shooting at EI 1600

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Dear Marc,


Different developers give different actual film speeds. The fastest I have ever seen is Paterson FX50, which gave as close to ISO 800 with Ilford HP5 Plus as makes no difference. Microphen and DD-X both exceed ISO 650. EI 1600 is therefore little more than a 1-stop push with these developers.


The Film Developing Cookbook argues that non-speed-increasing developers such as D76 are better than speed-increasing ones for pushing but this is, as with so many assertions in that often over-rated book, disputable.


Personally I'd go for Delta 3200 at EI 2000+ in DD-X; true ISO in that is around 1250 so 2000 is only a 2/3 stop push in DD-X. Another possibility is Neopan 1600, which may be a little faster than HP5 Plus and is therefore maybe 1/3 stop less push at 1600.





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My choice would be TMax 3200 downrated one stop. This avoids the contrast problems with go along with uprating. As for developer, I use Agfa Rodinal. Neopan 1600 in my experience is not a true 1600 ASA film and I rate it at 640 ASA. If you choose the uprating path then I'd suggest Ilford Microphen as developer.
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There are many, many threads on this topic in the archives. Search around - you'll find some almost every week.


I routinely push Tri-X and TMY (T-Max 400) to around 1600. My developers are Diafine (for Tri-X) and Microphen (for either Tri-X or TMY). Grab some Microphen while you can - most reliable reports indicate that Ilford is out of the photochemistry producing business, which is being taken over by Champion who makes only liquid concentrates. Microphen is a powder. Once it's gone I guess I'll have to find a substitute but I dread the very thought - it does exactly what I want.


Rating Delta 3200 and TMZ (T-Max 3200) at 1600 is closer to their true speeds and should produce very good results in a wider variety of developers. I use Diafine on Delta 3200 at EI 1600 for convenience and a tonality I like for some images. Otherwise I'll use Microphen when pushing Delta 3200 harder.

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personally I can't stand the look of HP5+ pushed past 1250, and even that is just barely acceptable..........800 seems best.


My personal favorite in 35mm (and medium format....but, see below)is Tri-X in Acu-1 (a one shot Acufine)........gorgeous looking for 1600.


In medium format I like Ilford's Delta 3200 @ 1250-1600 in PMK Pyro.......between Delta 3200's tendancy to be lower contrast than Kodak's equiv, the larger negative, and the fact that the Pyro makes the tonal gradation pure heaven........especially when you consider the speed you are getting out of the combo....I find myself shooting delta3200pmkpyro in MF more than I care to admit.

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Dear Lex,


I'd not put too much faith in the'most reliable reports'. If Ilford survives -- and I believe it will -- I am very confident indeed that powder chemistry will come back. God willing it will be before PMA (because my wife would love to lead on that for her PMA report in Shutterbug).





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