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Manipulated Checkboxes


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I realise that this is probably way too much work to implement, but what the heck, I'll go

ahead and ask anyway: I know that I personally would find it both interesting and

informative if we had a series of checkboxes relating to common types of photo

manipulation that went with the "Manipulated?" checkbox for each photo.


Very few people seem to bother filling in their technical details (I'm as guilty of this as

anyone), so I feel that it might be useful to have some options that a user could quickly

check to indicate what type of manipulation has gone in to a photo (e.g. Curves, Hue/

Saturation, Sharpen, Objects Removed or Added, Two or More Photos Merged).


The down side, of course, is probably endless debate about what merits a checkbox

(because it's common enough and/or interesting enough) and what doesn't, but I still feel

that allowing people to quickly provide some basic details about their work would enable

others to learn...


It also slightly shifts the focus away from "I do nothing to my photos, you manipulate

them" towards there being degrees of manipulation along a continuum from "I set up the

shot and chose what to focus on" to "I combined twenty images and used extensive layer

blending". Either end (and anywhere in between) can produce either a great photo or a bad


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