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my lucky shot!!


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khiem, nice snapshot of your son, but it could be great!!! when making an image like this (or any image for that matter) look at the background. your son has a blue spring growing out of his head. to correct this, you could have studied the frame and stepped to the right one or two steps to get it out of frame. remember, foreground and especially background are just as important as the subject or plane of focus.
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I also don't see what's so lucky about this shot: the light is flat and uninteresting; the eyes

have no highlight in them to create life in the pciture. Sorry to say that this is a pretty dull

snapshot. You should really practice photographing people you don't know well and with

whom you have no emotional relationship -- that will make it easier for you to judge the

qulity of your pictures more objectively.



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I think what I hate most about kid pictures (including those of my own kids) is

the stupid cutsy pictures and words on all the clothing. Can you imagine how

ridiculous all of those classic child labor photos taken back in the early half of

the last century in the US would look if all the kids had T-shirts with Whinney

the Pooh or Mickey.

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I think I remember some other shots of yours in the past and this one is definitely the best so far. Besides the obvious Spring popping out of his head I think it is good for you.


I have a similar picture of a beach scene without eye contact and in it I like the fact of documenting the concentration and the act of PLAYING.


The posters are right when they say there is no eye contact but for a while now I have been kind of sick of having eye contact all the time with the kid pictures. Lately I just like a natural, candid recording of the moment.

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What happened to his legs? Was there a reason for them not being included in the framing

of the photo. And if you wanted to really pay attentio to what is important in this photo

you'd have gotten closer and not included so much background or body. I mean if you are

going to cut him off at the knees why not at the hips or mid torso? You are responsible

for every square millimeter in the frame yet you throw most of the area in your

composition away. Work harder! think harder! see more clearly what you are trying to see!

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This shot obviously connects with you emotionally. Disregard your critics and treasure the

shot on that basis. In the coming years you will look at this shot in one of your family

albums and it will evoke pleasant memories. That is the purpose of family photographs. If

you were a professional photographer making the photo for a client, that would be the

time to listen to your critics. Otherwise, just enjoy your wonderful photo.

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What you write is fine; and it's obviously what Khiem himself thinks. However, he asked for

critique ("input") because he presumably wants to improve his photography. He can

treasure this picture in a family album. On the other hand, he can also look at it objectively

and work on making better ones in the future.

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C. Carl ("Brandon's dad") has done great job of showing you how much you can improve with just a little photoshop. No fancy special effects, just enough to make a nice snapshot into a good picture. Do what I did- sneak out and take a beginning Photoshop class. No one will appreciate it more than the women you photograph. In the meantime, us dad's with boys who like to play in the sand having to keep after those "lucky shots."<div>009cn3-19822584.jpg.cf6f5ce7fdb739efc0cb47618e7b6e6e.jpg</div>

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