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Ilford b&w films

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I don't know if this is old news, but just in case. According to an interview given to the

French magazine "Réponses photo" by an exec at Ilford France, they will go on producing

and selling their basic b&w films, the entire Delta line, HP5 and FP4, in 135 and 120. They

will stop making SFX 200 and PanF Plus.


Also, it seems that their biggest shareholder, a British pension fund, will see to it that their

plant in Great-Britain (they have another one in Switzerland, which remains unnaffected)

will be re-structured and financially consolidated.

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Given that Ilford is up for sale and in "administration", it's hard to imagine how anyone could say that they will keep making specific products and be re-structured. These things will depend on the buyer if one is found. If one isn't, it's likely that Ilford will be shut down. The plant in Switzerland is unaffected because it makes inkjet papers, not film.


The shareholders aren't making any decisions, there's a company called Grant Thornton that's taking care of the "administration" disposition. "Administration appears to mean "bankruptcy," for those of us in the US.

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I read the announcement on another site a few weeks ago. It was depressing to me since I love 120 Pan F. I ordered a hundred or so rolls--all I could afford at the time.


Ilford has since announced it is back into full production (for the time being) and trying to catch up on a backlog of orders. The backlog was probably caused by people like me, gobbling up the stock. I hope I'll be able to buy more Pan F before it disappears altogether.

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I spoke with the man from Kodak at Photokina and not really expecting any info asked him if he thought they would continue to make Trix. He thought not for long. Chrome 64 would be next to go and Trix within two years seemed to be his guess. And TMax? The same. The man from Ilford was more optimistic about everything. Poor guy.
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