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Price Break on Kodak Gold 100 (Bright Sun) at SOME Walgreens

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Just thought some of you might like to know that, at least in my

neighborhood (Madison, WI), a couple of the Walgreens are selling Gold

100 for the "Last Chance!" price of $4.79 for a 4-pack of 24 exposure.

However, some of the Walgreens are NOT running this special, or maybe

are just behind on putting the sale tags out.


I can't help but wonder if the writing is on the wall for Gold 100.

If the "Last Chance!" means that Walgreens is going to drop it, and

since Target already has, the number of large retailers even carrying

it is starting to look pretty scarce. Somehow I doubt that B&H and

Adorama can sell enough to keep the production lines going.

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