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Kodak wins lawsuit against Sun, seeks $1 billion dollars in damages


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Hard to believe they even won considering the patent might be invalid due to prior art based on what little I know about the patent. If the patent preceds shared libraries and COM they might have a chance.


Even if the patent doesn't get invalidated, no way are they going to get anywhere near $1b. That's half the operating profit of the sales of their servers for the time in which the patent was in effect. Kodak's patent probably only covers a portion of what java is to begin with. They may get a couple of hundred million at most, if anything, in my opinion.


Also, buying a company and using it's patents to sue technology that's been around for almost a decade doesn't win you many friends in the software world.

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My favorite was this in a pre trial article "A verdict in Kodak's favor has the potential to be enormous. The company is asking for more than $1 billion in back royalties and other damages ? the equivalent of selling 400 million rolls of film at $2.50 apiece."


400 million rolls, isn't that the amount of film sales being lost to fuji and digital every year?

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