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Medium Format Digital Camera

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This may seem like an odd question. Does anyone know if any

manufacturer of medium format film cameras is currently developing a

medium format digital camera. I'm aware that there are digital backs

for MF cameras, but I'm wondering if someone like, say, Pentax is

known to be working on the adaptation of their 646 NII into a digital




Peter Gale

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mamiya I think is making a version of their 645 camera that is strictly digital, and you can

order it with a 6mp, 11mp or 22mp Leaf Valeo attached.


There isn't much practical sense really i building a medium format digital camera (as

opposed to using a removable back. For one thing it would make the sensor difficult to

clean, for another when you are ready to upgrade or if the back has a problem you'd lose

the back and the camera.

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Yes, according to Fumio Urano, Pentax president, Pentax is indeed working on a almost full frame DSLR based on the 645 system. The camera is due to release early next year. It is not a digital back but a digital camera. Time will tell if this happens or not; a year ago Pentax sources claimed that they were working on a more compact 67 but that one hasn't materialized yet.

In my opinion digital back makes just as much sense for MF system as they do for 35mm based systems.

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