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Options for dark viewfinder


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I've been having a hard time looking through the viewfinder. I wear

glasses and it is hard to see the entire image at one time and the

image is too dark for critcal focus. I currently have the

Pentaprism. What options do I have to improve the situation. I've

looked around and have come up with the following:


1. Use a waist level finder. Brighter and easier to use than the



2. Change to a brighter screen such as beattie. I don't believe

this will improve my interference with glasses to seeing the entire

image. Maybe getting the screen along with using contacts would work.


Has anyone else had this same problem, and if so, how did you solve

it. I am interested in hearing other options as well.


thanks in advance...harry

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The optional diopters that fit into the rear of the finder could solve your glasses issue, unless your prescription involves huge astigmatism correction or similar anomalies that the diopter doesn't correct. Using faster lenses like the 165 f/2.8, 150 f/2.8 or the 105 f/2.4 may solve the brightness problem. I have not been impressed with the aftermarket screens as far as big improvements in brightness are concerned. I believe the two mirror surfaces of the pentaprism are aluminized VS the better silver. The P67II may have done this to brighten up those finders.
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I do like my current 67II screen better but the Beattie installed on my first 6x7 did the job nicely - big difference over the standard one. I also use glasses but don't notice that I'm moving around to take in the corners. I think this might become a little more "invisible" as you spend time with the camera.



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