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i challenge el fang to a shoot out

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Oh dear... what a mess here. El, I think most people on this forum knows very well that having and using a Leica camera does not make him/her HCB, and that there are many great photos not made with Leicas or anything even remotely German.


Most of us stick to the M for something we like about it that's lacking in other cameras, and for us that is important for the style we shoot in, so we just 'have' to shoot with an M. We can probably make do with a D70 if we have to, but why do we have to force it upon ourselves to use it if we don't like it?


Just let it go and don't be bothered by the fanboys attitudes; it just comes with the territory.

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<i>"Did El Fang just chicken out?"</i>

<p>Nope, still here. 1st challenger huffed, puffed, then deleted some 200 of his images and says he's cancelling his PNet subscription. 2nd challenger says he doesn't have enough airmiles to make it over here. Next?

<p><i>"El, I think most people on this forum knows very well that having and using a Leica camera does not make him/her HCB, and that there are many great photos not made with Leicas or anything even remotely German."</i>

<p>I realize that, and as I said, my beef isn't with them. It's the few gems making stupid claims that I have a problem with.

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El, Matt, get a room.


Too much chest puffing and strutting and feather displays.


The occasional (very Freudian) appearance of bigger and bigger lenses says what?


It all reads all little too close to the behaviour on display in 'Top Gun'.


(I have a nightmare vision of El and Matt and Al Kaplan deciding all this with a bout of beach volleyball in Florida and Al ,wheelying, off into the sunset on a Kawasaki Ninja whilst simultaneously rolling another cigarillo and reloading an M2 !!)

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deal ron! :) you can play around with the rig too.


david emailed me some info about a seat sale going on right now. if i can use my credits with it, i think this might be doable. it would have to be within the next 9 days though.


now el, an above poster mentioned us both being limited to certain amount of film (or exposures)..or else there's not much of a comparison. do you agree with this?




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<i>"now el, an above poster mentioned us both being limited to certain amount of film (or exposures)..or else there's not much of a comparison. do you agree with this?"</i>

<p>I can see the logic to uploading an edit limit of 10, 15, 20 (or whatever) pictures. I'm not sure I see the relevance of the actual number of exposures.

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I've been involved with shoot-outs for national student photojournalism

scholarship competitions. They meet on neutral ground--say, San Francisco.

They're each issued 2 or 3 rolls of film. They're given a subject--say, cable

cars and a day to shoot 'em. The students get the contact sheets and mark

their selects. Three judges look at the contacts and pick a winner. It works.

Everybody has a good time. (I *think* the students of a good time......it's pretty

nerve-wracking for them.)

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<I> now el, an above poster mentioned us both being limited to certain amount of film (or

exposures)..or else there's not much of a comparison. do you agree with this?<I><P>


Why have a limit. Part of it's about having the right stuff, right? How about an ASA limit -

nothing greater than 100. Kidding Al.

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Trevor, I think you and I should plan on doing the play-by-play, provided there's a pay-per-view broadcast.


We'll do it in the fashion of the movie "Best in Show." Have you seen it? It's a send up of a famous dog show in the US. It's very funny.


The tv announcers in that film are a crass, boastful, sloganeering, unbearably buffoonish American "sports guy" who knows absolutely nothing about dogs (this would be me vis-a-vis photography, but hopefully less unbearable), and a suitably proper, well dressed, highly articulate English gentleman of impeccable credentials and extraordinary patience who serves as the expert. That would be you.

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If the event happens, it should be filmed.


What seems to be stopping it is money. Matt doesn't want it to be all at his expense and el doesn't want to subsidise a rival. I'm willing to kick in $30 US to a general "pot", which will pay for either part of Matt's trip to LA, or whatever is needed to make the event happen. If and ONLY if there is a filmed record of the event as well as a portfolio from both contestants.


Enough dough we could make it happen in Topeka kansas. Who else is willing to shell out?

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No Jon. You missed the 'Top Gun' point didn't you. (I guess you think it was about fighter pilots!)


Just put "Top gun" and 'gay' or 'homo-erotic' into google to see what the film was really supposed to be about.


That is the point I was making about Matt and El's strutting and feather puffing. These 'displays' are only a whisker away from a courtship ritual.


I find it hilarious. (The big lens stuff just takes the place of big jet aircraft in their Freudian significance.)


So come on, which one is Tom?

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