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Recommended Developer for Ilford Pan f 50 and Delta 100.

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I found Diafine produced very good results with Pan F+ and while I'm still not a big fan of the film it was a good combination. At EI 50 there was good shadow detail, a full tonal range in various and difficult lighting and no blown highlights. Also, Diafine is a very convenient developer (altho' some folks find a two-bath, recyclable developer inconvenient compared with one-shot developers).


There are three examples in this folder of mine, all from the same roll (possibly shot on the same day):




I haven't worked enough with Delta 100 to get to know or like it very well.

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"Scans can be very deceiving because everyone has different 'workflows' for getting the

image into the computer." -


Good point Jordan.


Here is the info on my scans. Pan F Plus exposed at EI 50. 8:00 min in DD-X at 20 deg C.

Scanned on a Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 using Nikon software. Minimal Photoshop... set

the black point to the edge of the curve and that was it.

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Thanks for the response and images guys.


"Scans can be very deceiving because everyone has different 'workflows' for getting the image into the computer."


I use 120 films for RZ67, I do have a Jobo but I don't have an enlarger. My workflow is to simply scan the negatives/positives for printing and/or archival purposes. I do all the dodging, burning stuff (maybe levels and curves) in photoshop. Honestly, I've never developed any B & W film before and am just confused with all the different developers there are for it as opposed to E6 which is much easier to choose from - Kodak, Tetenal, Photocolor.


Spider.'s scans above of the police car - sharp, fine grained, moderate contrast is along the lines of what i'm looking for. Datasheets from Ilford does recommend ID-11 (I plan on using this as well).

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I rate Delta 100 at 50 ASA and dev in Rodinal, 1:50, 20 C, 8 minutes - that's for a diffuser head enlarger. I process by hand. I don't know the ATL-1 but if it's a rotary processor then you need to reduce the development time by 20-30 percent. Rodinal also gives excellent results with Pan F although I have no times for that. I suggest you contact Ollie Steiner who uses this combination.
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Adonis, again, be careful when judging from scans. Contrast can easily be adjusted through changes in developing time and further adjustment at the printing or scanning stage. Sharpness and grain are inherent properties of a film-developer combo (probably more the film than the developer) and are difficult to judge from scans at screen resolution. Initial scanner resolution, sharpening, etc. will all play a role in how small scans like the ones on this thread look.


Try ID-11 though, by all means. It should work very well with both films and is certainly an industry standard.

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Pan F+ in Diafine is great, especially for images taken with flash.


However, Rodinal can do amazing things with slow films like Pan F+ and FP4+, so don't hesistate to try it, especially at higher dilutions.


Stefano: thanks for the link.

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