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Looking for *ist-D peripherals (USB cable, etc.)...

new hampshire john

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I looked on Froogle and only found the rip-off artists seem to carry it (Focus Camera, etc.). What I do is use a CF card reader on my computer instead. These are extremely cheap, and save much battery life. I rarely use my Pentax USB features because it is USB 1.1, which is very slow. A CF reader can work at USB 2.0, which can make a 1gb card dump in 3-minutes instead of 35-minutes via Pentax's USB 1.1.


If you need it immediately, you can pick a CF reader up at any local electronics store. I like the Bytecc USB 5.25" 7-IN-1 Memory Reader/Writer one for desktops because it's so convenient.


The only reason you should need the USB cable is to use the remote commander for studio work. In that case, I guess B&H looks like the only option.


Hope this helps, enjoy the camera...it's a beauty!

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