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Do I dump my F100?

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Good afternoon everyone.


Within the past year I purchased a D100 and have been quite pleased with

the results. Once tax returns come in, I'm hoping to purchase something aa bit

beefier - perhaps a D2H. Anyhow, I do still shoot film for assignments as well

however, 9.5 times out of 10 I use my Leica for film projects. I've an F100

which has essentially become a paperweight but, I must say I'm nervous to

get rid of it, even thought it's hardly ever used. I could certainly use the money

from selling the F100 along with it's battery pack for a new lens.


So, I suppose I'm asking for opinions here. If you were in my shoes, would you

sell it? My decisions on parting with equipment are always agonizing. I'm

afraid I'll make the wrong decision so, I figured I'd sollicit some other views.


Thanks very much.

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Buy a large format setup. That's what I did. Now the F100 is my dedicated light meter. My D100 is used where I used the F100 in the past. I keep telling myself I'll use the F100 again for some fast action situation but so far, after one year, I haven't.


Why not use the D100 as my light meter? Good question. Sometimes I do. Best excuse isn't a good one...that it only goes down to 200 and I like to shoot FP4 at 100. Even I can multiply by 2.


That is a somewhat tongue in cheek answer from a hobbyist who lacks solid decision making skills and can't seem to sell gear, only buy it.


Now that FM2 really should find a new home one of these days. You buyin?



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I don't keep equipment that I don't use. I sold my F100 well over a year ago. I reasoned that if I needed one again in a few years time I'd be able to buy another used one for less than I sold mine for. Since then prices of used F100's seem to have fallen a lot farther so I don't know how true that would be today.
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Funny this question pops up today. Yesterday, I shot an award ceromony with my Fuji S2 Pro. I started having problems with flash synch and immediately whipped out my F100. The F100 saved the day. For some reason, my Fuji S2 decided not to synch with my infrared transmitter. The shots were coming out black. So after this, gues how I fell about my F100? Matter of fact, I recently purchased a used F5 since they go fro around 600 now. The F5 went back because the F100 is so much better. Why return your parachute to the stor if you are still flying?
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If you use it 5% of the time and call it 'essentially a paperweight' it sounds like you've

already decided what gear you prefer.


If you need it and use it, keep it. Otherwise, remember: if you don't sell today, it will

surely sell for less tomorrow.

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I was in the same position with my EOS 3 after having bought a Digital Rebel. I sold the EOS 3 and used the proceeds to help buy a 10D, so now I have a main and backup digital SLR. I considered keeping the EOS 3 as a backup, but the expense of having a film camera backup a digital SLR and having to buy and keep the necessary amount of film JUST IN CASE I needed it wound up not making any sense for me.
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I think you and I both should have sold our F100's a while ago, because now you'd only get $400-500 for it. For me, by the time you buy all the ad ons, memory cards, batterys, etc., that money doesn't buy a whole lot in the digital world. For $400 bucks, I'm not willing to part with it, and prefer to have this wonderful camera as back-up.


Dana / <a href="http://www.whitemountainphoto.com">www.whitemountainphoto.com</a>

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Thanks all for your opinions on this. I am now leaning towards selling the F100. Great

camera, I've been very happy with it but, I think the 500 or so that I can get for it would be

better suited to a new lens with the D100. I'll always have my Leica for film! Viva la digital!



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gear I don't need I sell. With 2 exceptions: my F3 and my Rolleicord, they are too good to be sold. My F100 had only seen a film a month in the end, so decided to use the F3 for those rare occasions and sell the F100. I did not regret it. Now my wifes wants a film nikon, so I'll get her a F75/N75, good light backup, plus similar control layout as D70.
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